Fairs from the beginning of February to the 12th of March.
- 1BRomley, Lancashire.
- 2Ashburn, Derbyshire
- Armington. Devonshire
- Beconsfield, Bucks
- Bromley, Kent
- Bromley, Staffordshire
- Biggleswade, Bedfordshire
- Bugworth, Cheshire
- Bridgnorth, Shropshire
- Cray, Kent
- Devizes, Wiltshire
- Dorchester
- Eaftlow, Cornwal
- Evesham, Worcestershire
- Godalming, Surry
- Farringdon, Berkshire
- Hambleton, Hampshire
- Hindon, Wilts
- Lyfton Devonshire
- Leominster, Herefordshire
- Lyme, Dorsetshire
- Lynn, Norfolk
- Maidstone, Kent
- Malton, Yorkshire
- Reading, Berkshire
- Saltash, Cornwall
- 3Axbridge, Somersetshire
- Boxgrove
- Blaife, Cornwal
- Frampton on Severn
- 6Stafford
- 8Treganon, Cardiganshire
- 9Landaff, Glamorganshire
- 14Ashbrittle, Somersetshire
- Feversham, Kent
- Olney, Bucks
- Plympton, Devonshire
- 22Bath, Somersetshire
- Chipping-norton, Oxfordshire
- 23Baldock, Hertfordshire
- 24Bourn, Lincolnshire
- Blandford, Dorsetshire
- Corsham, Wilts
- Brome, Somersetshire
- Higham ferries, Northamptonfh.
- Henley on Thames
- East Isley, Berkshire
- Tewksbury, Gloucestershire
- Uppingham, Rutlandshire
- 24 Walden, Essex
- 26Stamford, Lincolnshire
- 28Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Moveable Fairs for the Month of February, and beginning of March, reduced to this Year.
- NOrthalerton, Yorkshire, every Wednesday from Christmas till June.
- Hinckley, Leicestershire, three Mondays after Twelfth-day.
- Newcastle under Line, March 1st, as Shrove-monday.
- Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, ditto.
- Abingdon, Berkshire. On March the 3d, being Ash-Wednesd. this Year.
- Condon, Glouceftersh.
- Chichefter, Suffex
- Dunstable, Bedfordsh.
- Eaton, Buckinghamsh.
- Exeter, Devonshire
- Falkingham, Linc.
- Litchfield, Staff.
- Royston, Cambridgsh.
- Tamworth, Staff.
- Tunbridge, Kent
- Banbury, Oxf. March 4. as first Thursday in Lent.
- Abingdon, Berks. March 8 as first Monday in Lent.
- Chertsey, Surry
- Chichester, Suffex
- Winchester, Hants.
- Bedford, March the 9th,
- Wickwar, Gloucestershire last Monday in February
- Welchpool, Montgomeryshire, March the 8th.
FAIRS the beginning of March.
- 1Culliford, Devonshire
- Langueville, Glamorgansh,
- Madrim
- 2Langadock, Carmarthenshire
- 3Sevenoke, Kent
- 5Penzance, Cornwal
- 6Harif
- 7Worksop, Nottinghamshire
- 8Treganon, Cardiganshire
- 10Downes, Devonshire
- 12Wrexham, Denbighshire
- Woburn, Bedfordshire