inches of the stem, giving them fresh earth, likewise give fresh earth to your carnations planted out in Autumn. Towards the latter end sow lark-spurs, hollyhocks, Canterbury bells, primrose-tree, sweet-williams, annual stocks, candy-tufts, pinks, &c.
Make plantations of the lilly of the valley on the side of some shady bank. Sow orange and lemon kernels in pots; set the pots in hot-beds; the kernels are to be used as soon as taken out of the fruit. Shift such myrtles as require large pots, at the same time having off the outside fibres of their root, and if there be occasion, prune their heads pretty close. Turn and skreen Mould for the use of next month, and continue to roll gravel-walks after rain and frost.
BOOKS, &c. published in the Month of January.
- THE history of executions, No. 7. Being a compleat account of the 13 malefactors executed at Tyburn for robberies in the streets and fields; 6 at Leicester and York, and two gentlemen at Dublin, pr. 4d.
- The present state of the republick of letters, for Nov.
- Three pamphlets examin'd, viz. observations on the writings of the Craftsman; the Sequel; and further observations.
- An ode to his Majesty for the new year, by Mr Cibber.
- A letter to the author of An Enquiry into the Causes of the Decay of the Dissenting Interest, &c. pr. 6d.
- The political state of Great Britain for Dec.
- A general history of executions for the year 1730. containing the lives, actions and dying speeches of sixty notorious malefactors executed at tyburn and elsewhere, vol. I. pr. 2s. 6d.
- The story of the ordination of our first bishops in Q. Elizabeth's reign, at the Nags-head Tavern in Cheapside, thoroughly examin'd, &c. by Thomas Browne, D.D.
- A Remonstrance address'd to the clergy, shewing where the charge of deism (without returning to old divinity) will necessarily terminate, pr. 1s.
- The history of Periander, King of Corinth, &c. pr. 6d.
- A poem in answer to a lampoon on the Cambridge ladies, pr. 6d.
- Sedition and Defamation display'd, in a letter to the author of the Craftsman, pr. 1s.
- Of despising young ministers; an ordination sermon at Haberdasher's-hall, Dec. 18. 1730. by W. Harris, D.D.
- A defence of the measures of the present administration, pr. 6d.
- Poems on several occasions, by Caleb D'anvers, Esq; pr. 1s.
- Scripture history, precepts and prophecy vindicated, the 2d part of christianity not older than the first gospel promise, by Ben. And. Atkinson, pr. 1s.
- An essay on moral obligation; with a view towards settling the controversy concerning moral and positive duties, &c. by Mr Chubb.
- An essay on satire, particularly on the Dunciad, by Mr Walter Hart, of St Mary Hall, Oxon.
- Modern history, &c. by Mr Salmon, No. LXXVIII. Vol. 13, pr. 6d.
- The doctrine of innuendoes discussed, &c. being some thoughts on the treatment of the printer, &c. of the Craftsman, pr. 6d.
- Winter evening tales, &c. pr. 2s. 6d.
- The divine catastrophe of the kingly family of the house of Stuarts, by Sir Ed. Peyton, pr. 1s.
- The new political state of Great Britain, for Dec.