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Books published in JANUARY, 1731.
Vol. I.
  • The Crisis: or, impartial judgment upon public affairs, by Tho. English Esq; pr. 6d.
  • Considerations on the present state of affairs in Europe, particularly with regard to the number of forces in the pay of Great Britain.
  • Miscellaneous observations on authors, ancient and modern, No. I.
  • Scripture vindicated, in answer to christianity as old as the creation, the second part.
  • Remarks on a pamphlet, intitled, a A Defence of the present Administration, pr. 6d.
  • A compendious dictionary of the fabulous history of the heathen gods and heroes, &c. pr. 2s. 6d.
  • Periander, a tragedy, by Mr John Tracey.
  • The ancient history of the Carthaginians, &c. translated from the French of Mr Rollin.
  • The monthly chronicle for Dec.
  • A letter to Cleomenes King of Sparta, from Eustace Budgell, Esq; pr. bound 7s. 6d.
  • The Improvement of the present time, recommended in two sermons on new year's day, 1731. by John Guyse.
  • Whistoneutes: or, Remarks on Mr Whiston's historical memoirs of the life of Dr. Sam. Clarke, &c. 1s.
  • A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel, intitled, Sedition and Defamation display'd, by Caleb D'anvers, Esq; pr. 6d.
  • The British patriot: or a timely caveat against giving into the measures of any evil and corrupt minister, pr. 1s.
  • Introductio ad sapientiam: or, the art of right thinking assisted and improved, by Tho. Fuller, M.D.
  • The lover's miscellany, pr. 1s.
  • A reply to the letter to Dr Waterland.
  • A specimen of arbitrary power, in a speech made to the grand Signor to his Janizaries, pr. 6d.
  • The Lord protector's speech to the parliament, in the painted chamber at their dissolution, Jan. 22. 1654. pr. 6d.
  • Historia literaria, &c. No. VII.
  • Memoirs of the Count de Forbin, translated from the French, in two neat pocket volumes, pr. 5s. 6d.
  • The spend-thrift, a comedy, by Mr Mathew Draper.
  • A collection of occasional political pieces, in prose and verse, by Joseph Hazard, Esq;
  • The blessedness of those who dye in the Lord; a funeral sermon, by John Anther, pr. 6d.
  • The lover, a comedy, by Mr Theo. Cibber, Comedian.
  • A literary journal for Oct. Nov. and Dec.
  • A compleat history of Algiers, by J. Morgan.
  • The third part of an essay towards a natural history of Florida, Carolina, &c. by Mr Catesby.
  • A latin treatise of conic sections, analytically demonstrated, by L. Trevegan, M.A.
  • A vindication of the Bp of London's second pastoral letter.
  • A treatise of the gout, by a licentiate practitioner in phyfick, pr. 6d.
  • Histoire D'angleterre, par M. De Rapin Thoyras, No. 37. being the 3d of
