Concludes with recounting the advantages of the virtue opposite to this Vice. That Lycurgus oblig'd all the Citizens of Sparta to eat in publick, forbad all Seasonings and Sauces, and did his utmost to prevent Luxury. That the Romans continu'd their grandeur till tainted with this Vice; and that among them to have eat three times a day, was a thing prodigious. That Seneca, tho' worth Millions, was content with a crust of Bread and a draught of Water. And lastly, that as an instance of the Virtue and Vice, Lewis Cornaro, a Venetian, in his Youth was excessively gluttonous, till nature was no longer able to support it, or Physick to supply help; he betook himself to a steady habit of Temperance, by which he recover'd his health, and liv'd to an immense Age.
The Free Brton, Feb. 18. No. 64.
OBserves, that the Authors of the Craftsman have first raised an out-cry against the Administration, and from thence argue, that the Administration is Evil because of that out-cry. Agrees with the Craftsman, that the Reign of Q. Elizabeth is one of the most shining Periods in the English History; but even then there were murmurs and loud outcries against the governing Powers. Libels were written, but are sunk with their Authors into oblivion, except one taken notice of in the writings of the Ld Bacon, where we have a small treatise entitl'd, Observations on a Libel publis'd, anno 1592. The intent of this Libel was to represent the Kingdom in a state of Trouble and Adversity through the weakness or wickedness of the Ministry.
His Lordship acknowledges that the Ld Burleigh was privy to his own Vindication, and was willing that the slanders raised against him might not be passed over in silence.
The Ld Bacon observes, that a Man is not to regard what Libellers affirm or hold; but what they would convey: Then goes on to show what an extravagant and incredible conceit it is, to imagine that one Counsellor shou'd be able to direct all the Actions of State, that had passed during the Queen's whole Reign, or that he was able to make all the World his Instrument; altho' the same thing is now suggested by the Craftsman. Another Artifice in that Libeller, was in magnifying the Strength and Multitude of the Enemies of the State. This method of raifing Disaffection against the Government, says our Author, is exactly copy'd by the Craftsman now.
Again, the ancient Libeller exclaims against the Lord Burleigh for bringing his Son Sir Robert Cecil to be of the Council, who had neither Wit nor Experience (a Calumny); the Craftsman in the same manner reviles the present Ministry for employing their Relations, whom he represents (as falsely) to be the errantest Blunderers and Ideots the World ever saw.
The Templer, Feb. 20. No. 6.
THE Subject that the Templer treats of in this Paper, is the folly of boasting what a Person was formerly, who is of no use at present. Illustrates this in several examples of his acquaintance, who formerly were celebrated for their Knowledge in divers Arts and Sciences, who at present are entirely ignorant of all.
Among the fair Sex, he says, there were numbers who were good for something formerly. Acantha, formerly excell'd in dancing; Melintha was famous for Complexion; Dictiana had the finest Shape; but at present, neither of them has the least pretence to either. Obadiah Greenkat, he says, reckons among his Acquaintance ten quondam Raphaels, and as many Phidiases, five Archimedeses, three Homers, and two Amphions, who have out liv'd their knowledge, and at present know nothing of Painting, Scripture, Architecture, Geometry, Poetry, or Musick.
Concludes with a Letter from a Correspondent who calls himself Nestor,who