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Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.
No. II.

who gives an account of the vast progress he made in his Youth in all parts of Learning, and his readiness in attaining every Science; but having retir'd into the Country, and forgot all, desires the privilege of telling what he was, and not what he is.

Craftsman, Feb. 20. No. 242.

HAving in his Paper No. 240, finished his Remarks on the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, in this confiders the management of Affairs under K. James I. Takes notice, that on his accession to the Throne of England, he had the advantage of the example of his Predecessor; that Experience as well as Reason pointed out to him the sole Principle on which he could safely establish his Government, but that he paid as little Regard to her Example, as he did to her Memory; that he seem'd to expect the Love, and demand the Obedience of his Subjects, meerly because he was King; that he pursu'd a particular, separate Interest of his own, whilst be neglected a Union with his People, which he made impracticable by transgressing the bounds prescrib'd him by our Constitution. Interest and Duty, he says, are indivisibly united, and that he who sins against one, sins against the other. Concludes with promising to be more particular in his Remarks another time.

Read's Journal, Feb. 20. No. 309.

HIS Correspondent Crato begins his Letter with confessing himself an Enemy to the unmeaning Productions of modern Authors.

Finds fault with the present Methods of educating young Gentlemen at a Boarding School, where the two chief branches of Knowledge inculcated are French and Dancing.

That considering the prevailing sentiments of the times, he is surpriz'd to find that a Medal has been struck at the Tower in Honour of Sir Isaac Newton.

He proceeds to draw an Encomium on the Abilities of this great Man, his vast Genius and Capacity for the Mathematicks, and unbounded knowledge in the Principles of things, and Phænomena of Nature. Concludes with part of a Poem in his Praise, as follows.

When from the pow'rful fiat of a God, From shapeless nothing, and a dark Abode, Nature new born did at his Word arise, These shining Lamps, and yon expanded Skies, Then Man was dropt on this capacious Ball,Large is it felt, a Point unto it all; Hence in a Choir does the Creation move,From Plants below, to spacious Orbs above. Of old, what Ægypt and Arabia taught, And what learn'd Greece to more perfection brought,Compriz'd in Newton, in his Works we trace, All these which his superior Notions grace. Nature her self to him resigns the Field, From him her Secrets are no more conceal'd.

Fog's Journal, Sat. Feb. 20. No. 126.

IN this Journal Fog treats of popular Discontents, which Parasites, he says, maintain, are inseparable from good Government.―Tells us from Machiavel, That the Multitude is generally more judicious than Princes themselves, especially in the choice of Favourites. Quotes the translator of Tacitus, who says, That when a just Administation is once settled, and become familiar to the People, and no violent Innovations attempted, they will not be apt to disturb it, or wish it ill; that they are slow to resist, and bare a thousand hardships before they return one. That 'tis a miserable infatuation of Men in Power, to push that Power, and the People's patience so far as either will go, and leave no room for a retreat. That Men in limited Authority are apt to covet more, and when they have gain'd more, to take all.―The People, who aim chiefly at Protection and Security, are content to keep what they have, nor seek to interfere in Matters of Power, till Power has attempted to rob them of Liberty and Right. Lastly, That perhaps the People are accounted bad, for adhering stubbornly to their Liberties and Laws; that to rail on them for this, is to make them a high Complement and a severe contumely upontheir