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Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.
No. II.

present state of affairs in Europe where the author supposes That if any of our allies were attack'd, whether the Hanover allies would concern themselves in the defence of the ally so attacked? That it would be most absurd to suppose the British Parliament would not defend the foreign dominions of their own Sovereign, as well as those of any other ally; and still more unaccountable would it be, if the King should not, as Elector, find the same assistance from the British nation as he would be sure of having, if he were Elector only, and not King.

The Universal Spectator, Sat. Feb. 27. No. 125.

TAkes for the subject of his discourse, the prayer of Socrates, That the Gods would give him such things themselves know to be most convenient and best for him. Intimating how ignorant mortals are of their own real wants, and what is proper for them to ask of Heaven.

Happiness, he says, is the pursuit of all; but we are so bewilder'd by our passions and ignorance, that with out divine assistance, it is impossible to attain it; that we mistake our own good, and eagerly pursue our sure destruction.

Says, that we have one certain rule to go by, that is, to follow close the steps of virtue.

That the dispensations of providence in giving prosperity to the wicked, and distress to the virtuous, tho' by some reckon'd irregular and unaccountable, yet on a near view we shall find the appearances are fallacious, and that those who are accounted the most happy, are commonly the most miserable.

To illustrate this, quotes a fable from M. De la Motte,―A wretch, says he, that by casting his eyes and his wishes on the circumstances of others, grew uneasy with his own, and wearied heaven with his complaints; Jupiter, to content him, took him up to his store-house, where the fortunes of all mankind stood sealed up in bags, and bid him chuse among them all.———The man, with all his strength, lifted up the first, that of supreme command, in which were conceal'd tormenting cares, but could not support the burden. He try'd a second and a third, but were all too ponderous for his shoulders. At last he lays hold of one lighter than the rest, and desired he might have that.———Take it, says Jupiter, and enjoy it, for indeed it's thy own, and learn from hence never to complain of providence.

Weekly Register, Feb, 27. No. 51.

FAlls upon the Grubstreet Journal, says, 'tis an easy transition from reforming constables to the authors of the Grubstreet; that they both seem to be of the same character, and act on the same principles.

Takes notice, that the first part of their entertainment generally consists of a lampoon, or some little private story. This province is given to Mr Bavius; observes, there is a weekly collection of scurrility, with the fundamental laws of the fociety, deposited in an ass's head at the upper end of the club-room, in opposition to the lyon's head at Button's. When any man is to be call'd names, no body, he says, does it more couragiously than Mr Bavius. Puns and conundrums fall to the share of Mr Quibus; and gentle Mr Poppy is the journalist of the club. Thus assifted, Mr Bavius begins his invective, or panegyrick; for 'till the piece be finish'd, 'tis hard to determine which 'twill prove. This uncertainty, he says, was occasion'd by an author, who desir'd them to recommend his work to the publick, by writing a satyr upon it: for if they condemn'd it, the world would judge it had merit.

Mr. Poppy writes the occurrences of the club. Mr. Quibus is employ'd in making sage remarks, and sprightly witticisms on the common articles of news.
