Lastly, sets forth the method they use of dealing out their labours to the publick. To this purpose they adorn their Journal with prints, that the decoration may atone for other deficiencies, and children admire what men would not read.
Fog's Journal, Sat. Feb. 27. No. 127.
THIS Journal consists of Quotations taken from an author who wrote in K. William's time, some of which are as follows, viz.
The virtues requisite for those qualify'd to handle matters of Government, must have their foundation in virtue, wisdom, and Courage. He whose natural endowments of mind are not sufficient to foresee a long while before, what may be the event of a councel, cannot consult safety for his country; he, who upon all occasions, only consults what interest such, or such an affair will bring to himself, will never give sound advice.
No man can be virtuous or wise for the publick good, without a rich talent of the mind and a virtue which warmly embraces the liberty honour and interest of his country, the want of which some have supply'd by momentary shifts, and short remedies.
Unskilful medlers count it supreme wisdom to answer any single necessity, never regarding whether the manner of doing it, be safe, just or honourable.
Machiavel could never relish that maxim of enjoying the present benefit of time.
Cardinal Richlieu says, it is the duty of ministers to represent to their masters, that 'tis mere necessary to confider the future than the present; that the prevention of an evil is better than the remedy.
Lastly, If in future times, England shou'd have any cause to believe that the treasure of the publick has been embezel'd, if affairs shou'd ever happen to be in confusion and disorder, nothing but the legislative authority will be able to bring any effectual help to set us right, and restore us.
Applebee's Journal, Sat. Feb. 27.
COntains a letter from J. Cant, describing the folly of an old lecher, and the wanton pride of a young prostitute in an instance which he saw at the play-house, where he observ'd an old gentleman very officious in his care of a young girl of fifteen, whom he suppos'd to be his daughter; but enquiring into his character, found that in his youth he had been a kind husband and a tender father; but now nature declined, was grown vicious, and keeps this young creature for his mistress. The girl, is the daughter of one of his intimate acquaintance, who knows it, courted it, gave his consent with the same readiness, as if he had given her in marriage.
Such is his immoderate love of gold, that the sacrifice of his daughter he reckons but a trifle. She, silly and ambitious, sees her old lover's fortune can support her pride, and to that sacrifices her virtue, and every other valuable consideration.
She is imperious to her servants and usurps a saucy sway over the young gentlemen; is so excessively vain presumptuous and giddy, that she is become as odious as despicable to all her acquaintance. She is the common contempt, scorn and abhorrence of all that know her, and having left no room for pity or compassion, every tongue talks liberally and loudly of her infamy.
He then makes some serious reflections on the preceding account. Says, How ridiculous does the grey, hoary head, look bending and ducking it self in mimick bows of courtship and wantonness, to a girlish wench!
The London Journal, Sat. Feb. 27. No. 604.
MR. Osborne, in this paper, attacks the Craftsman, No. 242. Grants that in that paper, which begins the reign of the Stuarts, he has laid downsome