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Monthly Intelligencer.
February, 1731.

Monday, February 1.

THE Companies of his Majesty's Ship Canterbury, Dreadnought, and Portland were paid their several wages due to December 31, 1729, and likewise two months pay in six.

Tuesday, Feb. 2.

Wm Banks and Tho. Williams, on security given for their good behaviour, were discharg'd out of Newgate, after two years imprisonment, to which they were sentenc'd upon conviction of an intent to rob the house of Sir Robert Walpole, at Chelsea.

Wednesday, Feb. 3.

Orders sent to his Excellency the E. of Kinnoul at Constantinople, to congratulate the Grand Signier on his accession to the throne.

Thursday, Feb. 4.

His Majesty's Ship the York, of 60 guns, the Pearl of 40, and the Salisbury, were put in commission; the Pearl for Guinea, and the Salisbury for Newfoundland.

Friday, Feb. 5.

Mr. Cordwell, brother to the city-carpenter, appointed carpenter for rebuilding part of St. Bartholomew's hospital.

Seven persons confin'd in Woodstreet-Compter, and two in the Poultry, on executions from the court of conscience in London, were discharged by the charity of the worshipful companies of Merchant-taylors and Mercers.

Saturday, Feb. 6.

A cheese monger of Thames-street, riding between Bromley and Deptford, dropt 190 l. out of a bag; on Sunday morning he went back to Lewisham, and made known his loss; which the rev. Dr. Lewis took occasion to mention in his Sermon, and the obligation of restoring things that are lost. After service proclamamation was made in the church-yard, offering a reward of 5 s. in the pound for what should be found of it, and before night 40 l. was brought in.

Sunday, Feb. 7.

Their Majesties were not at chappel, nor din'd in publick, on account of their indisposition.

Thursday Feb. 11.

Was held a general court of the governors of St. Bartholomew's hospital, when Mr. Jones, son-in-law to Dr. Bamber, lithotomist to that hospital, who had been nominated by the accompting-house to be their assistant, was proposed to the court to be confirmed; but being rejected, Dr. Bamber resign'd his place of lithotomist. The Court then proceeded to a fresh choice; and propos'd that for the future, that operation should be perform'd by the surgeons of the hospital; on a division there were,

For the surgeons of the hospital, 70
For Mr. Blagden, surgeon 50

At Exon was celebrated with great magnificence the birth-day of the sonof