of Sir Wm Courtnay, Bar. at which no less than 10,000 persons were present, a bullock was roasted whole, a ton of punch, and 2 tons of wine, and several tons of beer and cyder was given to the populace. At the same time Sir Wm deliver'd to his son, then of age, Poudram-castle, and a fine estate.
The famous French bitch, that plays at cards, and performs many wonderful tricks, beat Dr. Arbuthnot three games at quadrille.
The number of Attornies sworn in the two courts of King's-Bench and Common-Pleas, calculated at 4000.
Friday, Feb. 12.
The Attorney general came into the King's-bench court at Westminster, and filed an information against the printer of the Craftsman, for his paper concerning the Hague letter; and also informations against two persons for publishing the same.
Charlesworth and Cox, two attornies, received judgment for the forgery of which they stood convicted; the former was fin'd 50 marks, to stand on the pillory, and to give security for his good behaviour for 5 years; the latter fined 5 marks, to stand on the pillory, and to give security for his good behaviour for 2 years.
Lately a small runner put into Marazion in Cornwal, which had on board about 3 or 4 score anchors of brandy, some tobacco and soap. The officer stopt the vessel, and put three officers on board, who were soon displac'd by 50 or 60 men, who cut open the hatches and took away the brandy, &c. and then rode off. She was call'd, The calamity Sloop.
Sunday, Feb. 14.
The rev. Dr. Hargrave preach'd before their Majesties in the royal chapel at St. James's, and the Lord De la War carry'd the sword of state.
Monday Feb. 15.
A printing-press and cases for composing, were put up at St. James's house for their Majesties to see the noble art of printing. The two youngest princesses compos'd their names, under the direction of Mr. S. Palmer, a printer in this city. And his R.H. the Duke wrought at one of the cases, to compose for the press a short piece of his own writing, call'd, The Laws of Dodge Hare, which is as follows.
The Algerine embassadors went to see Mr. Fawkes, who, at their request, shew'd them a prospect of Algier, and rais'd up an apple-tree which bore ripe apples in less than a minute's time, which most of the company tasted of.
The S. S. company agreed to send 7 ships this year, on the whale fishery, in Davies's streights.
From Uppen in the county of Wilts, 'tis written, that one Richard Small, eat 85 eggs, fry'd with three pounds of bacon, and drank three quarts of stale beer, immediately after he had breakfasted.
A man