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Domestick Occurrences in FEBRUARY, 1731.
No. II.

A man near 73 years of age was cut for the stone in St. Thomas's hospital, by Mr. Freeke, and is like to do well.

An ivory turner had waited several times on his R. H. the Duke, to instruct him in that art, it being a most healthful exercise.

Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Came on the trial at the court of King's Bench, Westminster, between Mary Odert plaintiff, and one Graille defend, in an action of damages for 500l. upon a copy of indictment granted to the plaintiff, by the court at the Old Baily, upon her being acquitted of a felony charg'd upon her by the defend. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, and gave her the aforefaid damages.

Friday, Feb. 19.

His Majesty went to the house of peers, and gave his royal assent to the Malt-bill, and two private ones.

His Majesty purchas'd for the sum of 2,400 l. the Westminster water-work, for the better perfecting the serpentine river or canal in Hyde-park.

The King of France presented Humphry Parsons, Esq; Lord Mayor of this city, with his picture finely drawn, in return for the many favours receiv'd from his Lordship.

Lately were discover'd near Brasil, coffee trees; the berries of which, tho' small, are esteem'd better than those brought from Asia.

Sunday, Feb. 21.

The rev. Dr. Jones preach'd before their Majesties in the royal chapel at St. James's; and the rev. Mr. Crow chaplain to the Bp of London, before the Duke, and the two young Princesses, in his highness's apartment.

Tueday Feb. 23.

The rev. Mr. Smith preach'd before the associates of Dr. Bray deceas'd, at the church of St. Augustine, near St. Paul's. The subject of his discourse related to the furnishing of parochial libraries; for instructing negro slaves at the British plantations in the christian religion, and for the charitable planting and establishing poor families, who are willing to settle in the south part of Carolina, where lands are already assigned for that purpose by the King to the said associates.

Orders sent to the commssioners of his Majesty's ships of war in the West-Indies, to repel by force, and make reprizals on such of the Spanish guard de cofta's, as shall attack the British merchant ships.

Thursday, Feb. 25.

The sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when 4 persons receiv'd sentence of death, viz. John Chapel for murder, to be hang'd in chains; (see No. I. p 32.) George Wheat, John Andrews, Wm Williams, all three for robberies on the high-way. (See No. 3. p. 128.)

The Empress of Russia had contracted with some English merchants for a considerable quantity of woolen cloth, which for a year or two past had been supply'd by the Prussians.

The stewards of the hon. society of ancient Britons, with the rev. Mr. Williams, waited on the Prince of Wales, to invite his R. H. to dinner on St. David's day, and had the honour to kiss his hand.

An account of the money collected on occasion of the feast of the sons of the clergy held this day.

Collected at the rehearsal 203 9 7
At the choir on feast day 34 16 6
At the hall, 480 5 3
718 11 4

The Rt. H. the Marquis of Blandford honour'd the corporation with his company, and gave ten guineas. Four bishops were likewise present, viz. of London, Glocester, Hereford, and Landaff.

Was held a court at Bridewell, before the Ld Mayor and governors, when Mr. Hosier received his charge as governor, and the following gentlemen were made governors, viz. Tho. Cope,