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Foreign Affairs in FEBRUARY, 1731.
No. II.
  • Mr. Lloyd, to the rectory of Fornces, in the county of Norfolk and diocese of Norwich.
  • Dr. Samuel Knight, a learned and and ingenious antiquary, appointed one of the chaplains in ordinary to his Majesty.
  • Dr. Croxal presented to the living of St. Mary Somerset, and St. Mary Monthaw in Thames-Street annex'd, and is to hold by dispensation his vicarage of Hampton, in Middlesex.
  • Dr. Batts appointed dean of the cathedral church of Norwich.
  • Mr. Helford, presented to the rectory of Lillington Darell, in the county of Buckingham, and diocese of Lincoln.
  • 20The Rt. rev. Dr. Smallbrook, Bp of St. David's, was translated to the see of Litchfield and Coventry, and took the usual oaths.

BANKRUPTS, declared

  • ELizabeth Partridge, of Minchinhampton, in the county of Gloucester, widow, and John Partridge her son clothiers and partners.
  • John Legg, of London, woollen-draper.
  • John Dudley, of Coventry, filkman.
  • Burges Rutland, of the parish of St. George the Martyr, in the county of Middlesex, apothecary.
  • John Brindley, of Kinsare, in the county of Stafford, ironmonger.
  • John Vernon, of London, vintner.
  • Luke Lowther, of the city of York, vintner.
  • Thomas Hughes, of Liverpool, merchant.
  • Edward Ford, of Exon, woollen-draper.
  • John Jones, of Warwick, in the county of Warwick, mercer.
  • Thomas Joyner, of Barkin, in Essex maltster.

Note, The Monthly-Bill of Christnings and Burials in London, which in the two former Editions was in this Page, is in this Third Edition placed on p. 49.



IT has been agreed in a great divan to go on with the war in Persia; it being judg'd impracticable to restore to prince Thamas, the conquests of the porte in that kingdom, which have cost so much blood and treasure, without wounding the honour and dignity of the Ottoman empire. 'Tis thought the troubles, which are not yet entirely appeased in this capital, where the number of malecontents is increased since the late massacre of the ringleaders of the revolt, did not a little contribute to this resolution of the divan. The port has declared to the Emperor's resident, that his highness has nothing more at heart than to keep a good intelligence, with his imperial majesty, and that he has with this view sent a trusty officer to Vienna, with the character of his ambassador, to repeat these assurances in the strongest manner.

Paris Feb. 23. There is still the same uncertainty as to peace and war, and the distributing of the effects of the Flotilla, the delay whereof is a great prejudice to the merchants. 'Tis hop'd however that the grand point of peace or war, will be decided upon the return of an express that has been sent to Spain, with the answer of the allies of Seville to the declaration, which the marquess de Castellar made the 28th past, in the name of the king of Spain. Russia