Rome, Feb. 10. His holiness declared to cardinal Cinsuegos, that he would take the dutchess dowager of Parma into his protection, and assume the government of that dutchy and Placentia, 'till the differences between the emperor and the king of Spain are adjusted.
Vienna, Feb. 17. The emperor, having by his troops taken possession of Parma and Placentia, the pope threatens to excommunicate those troops; but the emperor says, he may turn the buckle of his girdle behind him.
The Substance of a Declaration deliver'd Jan. 28. In the name of the king of Spain, to the English, French and Dutch Ministers, by the Marquess de Castellar, setting forth,
THat immediately after the Emperor had refused his consent to the pacifick measures entered into by the allies for establishing Don Carlos in the estates of Tuscany and Parma, his catholick majesty might have obferv'd the irresolution of the allies in executing the treaty of Seville, but was willing to see their proceedings, and discover their real designs, before he would take his final resolution.
That the marquess was order'd by the king his master, to represent to the powers allied, that it was at last judged necessary to have recourse to arms, a thing so often promised since the alliance was sign'd and solemnly sworn to: To which purpose he had delivered in a memorial dated Oct. 30. and communicated to the said ministers, the last resolution of his majesty, and has since press'd for an answer, but to no purpose.
That for these and other reasons his majesty had positively commanded the Marques de Castellar formally to protest against proceedings so diametrically opposite to his royal dignity and honour, and destructive of the principal object of his alliance, nor to give place to longer delays.
That in this fix'd resolution his majesty declares, that from this time forward he is entirely free from all the engagements enter'd into on his part in the said treaty, with the confederated powers, and remains at full liberty to take such measures as he shall judge most conducive to his royal interests. In consequence whereof he further declares, that from hence forwards he withdraws from the negotiation which is upon the carpet, but waits to receive the further orders of the catholick king his master.
Extract of a Letter from Nantes. Feb. 24. N.S.
Yesterday we receiv'd advice, that the Queen of Angels had been engaged on the coast of Domingo, by two Spanish privateers, and after a long fight was taken. The captain and great part of the crew were killed in the action. The ship was carry'd to the isle of Cuba, with an English vessel richly laden, which they had lately taken: So that they have 3, 1 of which carries 104 Men. They sent the French ship (after taking out the goods) to St. Domingo, with the English crew.
Letters lately arriv'd from New-England, advise, that on the 29th of December his Excellency, Governor Belcher, made a speech to the general assembly, in which he declared, that he should be oblig'd to dissolve them, if his Majesty's 27th instruction, relating to settling a salary on the governor was not comply'd with: And accordingly on the 2d of Jan. he finding them inflexible, dissolv'd the said Court.
A misunderstanding seems likewise to have taken place between Henry Worsley, Esq; capt. general,and