Vol. I.
FAIRS in March and April
- 12AT Alesham, Norf.
- Bodmin, Cornwal
- Wrexham, Denb.
- Stopford, Cheshire
- 13Bedwin, Wilts
- Mountbowin, Cornw.
- Wye, Kent
- 17Cobham, Surry
- Malmsbury, Wiltshire
- Patrington, Yorkshire
- 18Sturbridge, Worcest.
- 20Durham
- Northmore
- 22Tocester, Northamp.
- 24Northfleet, Kent
- Llanerchemich
- 25Ashwell, Hartfordsh.
- Axbridge, Somersetsh.
- Bishop's-lidiard, Som.
- Bridport, Dorsetshire
- Caerfilly, Glamorg.
- Croscomb, Som.
- Clack, Wiltshire
- Chagford, Devon.
- Gloucester
- Great-chart, Glouc.
- Huntington
- Lamberhurst, Kent
- Maidon, Essex
- Malpas, Cheshire
- Montgomery
- Midhurst, Sussex
- Northil
- Northampion
- Newcastle, Northumb.
- Oulney, Bucks
- Plympton, Devonshire
- Sithick, Hampshire
- St. Albans, Hertford.
- Sea-saltre, Kent
- St. John's Worcest.
- Salisbury, Wilts
- Walden, Essex
- Wigmore, Monm.
- Watlington, Oxford,
- Woodstock, ib.
- Wadley, Berkshire
- Wigburn
- Wichwar, Glouc.
- 26Cardigan
- 27Atherton, Warwick.
- Bakewel, Derbyshire
- Derby
- 29 Whitland
- 2Epping, Essex
- Hitchin, Hartf.
- Northfleet, Kent
- Rochford, Essex
- 3 Borne, Lincolnshire
- Leek, Staffordsh.
- Northampton
- 4 Bewley, Hampshire
- 5 Wallingford, Berks.
- 6 Wareham, Devon.
- 7 Clare, Suffolk
- Derby
- 8 Fennystratford, Bucks
- 9 Billingsworth
- Cobham, Surry
- 10 Sheepwash, Devonsh.
- 11 Aberforth, Yorkshire
- Pontypool, Monmouth
- Warmister, Wilts
- 12 Downham, Wilts
Moveable Fairs.
- Bodmin, Cornw. Saturday after midlent Sunday
- Andover, Hampsh. Friday before midlent Sunday
- Magron, Monm. every Monday in Lent
- Beverly, every Wednesday from the beginning of Lent to Midsummer
- Brighthelmstone, Suff. 5th Sunday in Lent
- Cerne, Dorsetsh, midlent Sunday
- Dolton, Dev. Wednesday before Lady Day
- Dalton, Lanc. ditto
- Castle Cary, Som. Tuesday before Palm Sunday
- Denbigh, the Monday before Lady Day
- Eltham, Kent the Monday after Palm Sunday
- Grantham, Lincolnsh. 5th Sunday in Lent
- Helstone, Cornw, Saturday before midlent Sunday, and Saturday before Palm Sunday
- Hartford, Saturday before 5th Sunday in Lent
- Ilchefter, Som. Monday before Palm Sunday
- Kendal, Westmor. the Monday before Lady Day
- Kingston upon Thames, Palm Sunday
- Liscard. Cornw. Monday before Palm Sunday
- Leicester, Palm Sunday
- Leominster, Here. Tuesday before midlent Sunday
- Lancaster, Palm Sunday April 11.
- Landaron, ditto
- Landissel, Thursday before Palm Sunday
- Langport, Som. Second Sunday in clear Lent
- Minster, in the isle of Shippey in Kent, Palm Monday
- Market-jew, Cornw. Palm-Monday
- Ottery St Mary, Devon. Tuesday before Palm Sunday
- Milling, Dorfetsh. Palm Sunday, being the 11th of April
- Mount, Cornw. Monday after midlent Sunday