and governor in chief of Barbadoes, and other the Caribbee islands, to windward of Gardeloupe, &c. and the council and assembly of those plantations, as appears by his excellency's speech made to them Nov. 17th last, and their address consequent upon it; wherein they seem to charge the governor with those evils which he had recommended them to remedy; and remonstrated that it was impossible for a people loaded with debts, to raise taxes, whilst the yearly tax of about 8000l. for seven years past, had been drain'd from them, and paid to his excellency, and that his excellency had receiv'd 45,000l. of the publick money of that island since his coming to the government: A proof of itself sufficient to evince the impoverishment of a small colony, at a time when upward of 20,000l. more were raised for publick uses, over and besides their constituted annual excise.
Extract of a Letter from Jamaica.
By a small vessel just arriv'd from Paita, we have the dreadful news of the loss of the kingdom of Chili, by an earthquake and inundation; the first lasted 27 days, wherein persons innumerable perished, with all the city of St. Jago; the inundation over flow'd the city of Conception, and even reached as far Calloo, where it mounted the walls, and fill'd the square with water. This flood was occasion'd by the earthquake.
A true Account of a new Colony about to be establish'd in America, by several Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Merchants.
THey petitioned the King in council for a grant of lands in South-Carolina, and liberty to lay out such charities as they themselves should give or receive from others, for carrying over and establishing unfortunate families in America: and that the charity collected may not determine in the persons first relieved, but may extend itself to the latest ages, they propose to reserve a certain proportion of land in every township, and a certain small proportion of labour from every Man within that township upon such land, and to apply all the produce of the reserved land and labour on the supporting of the Colony, in sending over and relieving more poor families.
His Majesty graciously receiv'd their petition, referr'd it to a committee of council, who approv'd of it and referr'd it to the consideration of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations.
The petitioners undertake without any benefit to themselves, all the toil of solliciting charities, of cloathing, supplying, arming, establishing, and supporting a Colony of such persons as they judge to be most proper objects of charity.
The clerks of the council generously refus'd their fees for the passing of their office.
The secretary of the board for trade and plantations, in the same handsome manner, refused the acknowledgements offer'd him.
His Majesty hath been graciously pleased to order the attorney general to prepare a charter to incorporate the petitioners, who intend to establish Colonies in the manner of the old Romans, viz. liberty and property.
Among other wise precautions, to prevent future Impositions, they have desired, that they and their successors may be oblig'd by their charter to lay an annual account of all moneys or effects by them receiv'd or expended, for carrying on their said charitable design before the Ld Chancellor, the Ld Ch. Justice of the King's-bench, the master of the rolls, the Ld Ch J. of the common pleas, and the Ld. Ch. Baron of the Exchequer.