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Vol. I.
Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.

vouchers in any paper of intelligence, either foreign or domeftick, and without any foundation in the publick opinion. He first broach'd the scandal, and then makes it his justification that it obtained in publick; and this credulity is become the sanction of falsehood.

The Craftsman pretended to justify himself by saying, that he had only suggested and not asserted. But, says the Free Briton, At this rate we shou'd have a new method of lying, and falsehood might circulate by a sly reservation.

The Craftsman had quoted the King's speech to prove a tendency to an accommodation with the Emperor; but this will not justify him, for the King declares, That unanimity and joint concerted measures is the present case with him and all his allies.

The Craftsman, Saturday Feb. 6. No. 240.

A continuation of remarks on Q. Elizabeth's Reign, from the minutes of Mr. Oldcastle.

HE says, she consider'd herself Q. of a country separated from all others, except Scotland, and conducted herself accordingly.

This reign is an instance that an island may enjoy peace and prosperity while the continent is fill'd with alarms, and wasted by war. The means and objects born of defence and offence are different as they regard an island and the continent, according to their different situations. A navy is necessary to the former, but barrier towns, and standing armies to the latter.

An island has no business with the affairs of the continent, only as a friendly neighbour and a fair trader.

With respect to the continent, Q. Elizabeth made the fewest engagements she possibly could, nor mingled her interests or counsels with theirs, but did both with those of Scotland.

But since the union of the two kingdoms we are one nation, one government, and must have one common interest; and consequently 'tis in our power to take the entire advantage of our situation, and make ourselves be beloved and respected by those who would maintain the just balance of Europe, and be formidable to those who would break it.

Concludes with some reflections on free and arbitrary government, and says, that Q. Elizabeth never wanted power, was supported by the spirit of liberty, and overcame that of faction.

Fog's Journal, Sat. February 6. No. 124.

THIS Journal continues remarks on a pamphlet relating to the Hessian Troops, which, he grants, is not so scurrilous as other writings on the same side. Endeavours to refute several things advanced by the author; particularly his account of the additional forces rais'd by the allies in consequence of the treaty of Hanover, viz. that France increas'd her forces with 30,000 men, and put herself to a considerable expence in auxiliary stores; that in the convention made between the allies of Hanover and the Danes, it was agreed by France to take 12000 Danish troops into her pay, in case of a war; and that 8000 men were rais'd and added to the troops of Great Britain.

Next he confiders some reflections of the author upon the conduct of the imperial ministers; who however, he says, found means to bring the K. of Prussia off from the Hanover alliance, to unite with the Emperor, and also on several occasions to disappoint our good understanding with Russia; which Fog ironically observes did not happen by reason of any unskilfulness, want of knowledge, or address in our ministers; but that old father Time was in the imperial interest.
