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Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.
Vol. I.

The London Journal, Sat. Feb. 6. No. 601.

Complains of the present method of managing national controversies, in which truth and decency are so little regarded, and such preference given to personal altercations. Allows, if the Craftsman has the right he claims of examining all matters of religion and government, it does not follow that he has a right to abuse the government.

The Craftsman had insisted that he had as much right to reason on supposition as Mr Osborne. He grants it in like cases, but not in this. Osborne had suppos'd, that one of our allies might insist upon the executing the treaty of Seville in a manner not consistent with the real interest of the other allies; or they might all agree to wait another year for the Emperor's consent; these suppositions were highly probable. On the contrary the Craftsman suppos'd, that we were going to make a treaty with the Emperor, which he asserted could not be done without perfidy and infraction of treaties, and violation of faith. This supposition was but barely probable, that there was any treaty on foot, and absolutely impossible to know what the treaty was, yet such a knowledge was necessary to support the Craftsman's charge of violating treaties, &c. Reason will allow to argue upon supposition in favour of a single person, or a kingdom, but never against them, especially from common report. The practice of the Greeks and Romans was different, who punish'd their subjects for publishing a piece of news pernicious and dishonourable to the common wealth, tho' true.

Orborne quotes the Craftsman as allowing that a reconciliation at Vienna is the most eligible, and most desirable measure, but expressing his apprehensions that it may be attended with great difficulties; and querying, Whether it was not more practicable before the Treaty of Seville was concluded? Osborn replies, No; a way must first be found to divide the Emperor and Spain, which was effected by the treaty of Seville.

Read's Journal, Sat. Feb. 6. No. 307.

OBserves first, that the notion of the passions and desires of mankind being naturally vicious, is absurd, and a high reflection on the wisdom of our Creator; they are good or bad as more or less regulated by reason.

Says, 'tis ridiculous and wicked to go to astrologers to enquire into future events; yet adds, that the desire of prying into futurity, is a principle, if well applied, highly commendable.

Providence acts by second causes; and the same events have been produced by the same means in all ages.

Thales had studied rational philosophy, the course of nature, and the influence of the heavenly bodies; but his learning was derided, because it brought him no money. He refuted this error thus: Foreseeing that olives would be blasted the next year, he preserved a great quantity, which in the scarcity enrich'd him.

An inattention to the regular course of things, cannot have but a suitable event.

The author approves the saying of Jezebel to Jehu,—Had Zimri peace, who slew his master?

The government of France was once almost as free as ours; but Lewis XI. and succeeding Princes, thought their prerogative lessen'd by a dependance on the law, wherefore contriving to abolish it, faction increased upon 'em, and they were embarassed with seditions.

The Ld Morton in Scotland invented a new engine to cut off traytors head's called a Maiden, and suffer'd by it himself.

The Ld Strafford inveighed vehemently against former ministers, andthe