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Vol. I.
Weekly Essays in FEBRUARY, 1731.

the arguments he us'd were turn'd against him with such advantage, as to take off his head.

Concludes with making this last a general maxim.

The Traveller, Feb. 6. No. 22.

Observations on an edition of Milton, publish'd in the Year 1729.

THE restoring of the text of a valuable author to its original sense and reading, is a work of merit, if not undertaken by one unequal to such a task. The Traveller, in this paper, has pointed out a few specimens of the ignorance, want of taste, and silly officiousness of Mr. Fenton in his corrections of Milton, as in the lines following,

And temperate vapours bland, which th' only foundOf Leaves and fuming Rills (Aurora's Fan)Lightly dispers'd——

Injudiciously alter'd by the editor thus:

And temperate vapours bland from fuming Rills,Which the only found of leaves Aurora's Fan)

In the sixth Book,

——this day will pour downIf I conjecture ought!

The editor would read,

If I conjecture right

This is a trifling criticism, and not warranted by any copies.

In the tenth Book Adam says,

O! woods, O! fountains, hillocks, dales, and bow'rs.

Perhaps it should be, says the editor,

Hills, ricks, &c.

This is ridiculous.

In the 11th Book, Adam speaking of the Rainbow says,

But say, what mean those colour'd Streaks in Heav'n,Distended, at the Brow of God appear'd?

Mr. Fenton says, perhaps it should be read Bow.

This remark shows more pedantry than judgment, and loses the beauty of the word, which carries so grand an image with it.

All the various readings of this editor are either mean or trifling, wherefore he laments the privilege that rich booksellers have of putting it in the power of any ignorant editor to murder the finest authors.

The Weekly Register, Sat. Feb. 6. No: 43.

An Essay on TASTE in general.

TAste is a peculiar relish for an agreeable object, by judiciously distinguishing its beauties; is founded on truth, or verisimilitude at least; and is acquired by toil and study, which is the reason so few are possessed of it. Nothing is so common as the affectation of, nor any thing so seldom found as Taste. Bad principles of education; an ill choice of acquaintance, the ignorance of instructors, and our prejudices, all contribute to the confirmation of this evil. So much depends on a true Taste, with regard to eloquence, and even morality, that no one can be properly stil'd a gentleman who takes not every opportunity to enrich his own capacity, and settle the elements of Taste, which he may improve at leisure. It heightens every science, and is the polish of every virtue; the friend of society, and the guide to knowledge; 'tis the improvement of pleasure, and the test of merit; it enlarges the circle of enjoyment, and refines upon happiness; it distinguishes beauty, and detects error; it obliges us to behave with decency and elegance, and quickens our attention to the good qualities of others: in a word, 'tis the assemblage of all propriety, and the centre of all that's aimiable.

Truth and beauty include all excellence, and, with their opposites, arethe