Fog's Journal, Saturday, March 20. No. 133.
HAving extracted some Passages from the Tryal of the late E. of Oxford, in justification of that Nobleman from the Charge of several Crimes with which he was accused, and of which, our Journalist says, nothing could be prov'd against him, proceeds to give an Account of the Earl's Politicks in the Words of Mr. Budgel, in his Letter to Cleomenes King of Sparta, who says, it was not impossible for the Earl to make a better Peace than he did, yet that the Demolition of Dunkirk, and the Acquisition of Gibralter, must be allow'd to be of infinite Advantage to Great Britain.
Says, that upon the Treaty of Utrecht my Ld Oxford declar'd he did not rely upon K. Philip's Renunciation of the Crown of France, but rather on Accidents which might arise to disunite those two Powers, which accordingly happen'd; the Infanta of Spain, tho' formally contracted to the French King, and long entertain'd at Court, was sent back to her own Country to get a new Husband; which the Queen of Spain her Mother highly resented, and waited an Opportunity to revenge the Affront and would gladly have flung herself into our Arms, and offer'd us the Mediation betwixt her and France.
Mr. Bugdel proceeds to observe, that neither our Reputation, nor Affairs were left in a despicable Condition, after the Peace made by the said Earl, who form'd and establish'd the S. Sea Company, which in its Foundation, was a national Benefit, and might have serv'd noble Ends; that tho' the said Earl had past thro' so many great Offices, he at last died poor.
Concludes with another Quotation from the same Author, viz. that another Peer in the same Ministry, having invited Mr. Addison to Dinner, Mr. Addison said, He was heartily sorry his Principles forced him to oppose one of the greatest and most accomplish'd Men he had ever seen, and in whose Conversation he could have thought himself so truly happy.
The London Journal, Sat. March 20. No. 608.
MAkes an Observation, that scarce any of the Opinions which Men entertain, whether Religious, Political, or Personal, were ever examin'd; because they are generally the Effects of Education, or Inclination, rarely of Reason.
Says, the Mass of Mankind seems made for believing; whatever they like, they never enquire into; but if the Report happens to be levell'd against their Passions, or Inclinations, they enquire indeed, but Reason will convince them of what they are not willing to have true.
Remarks further, that Men not only easily believe, but are apt to believe ill of others, especially of those in Power, and as backward to believe good Reports.
Takes notice, that this is the case in common Life; but that 'tis much worse when the ill Report is against great Men; that Resentments, Disappointments, party Opinions, and Prejudices, induce 'em to say the worst Things of the best Men.
That the same humour has prevail'd in former Reigns; and that we find almost as many Complaints of Grievances in the Reigns of K. William, as in that of K. Ch. I. altho' 'tis acknowleg'd, we then felt but few. As a Proof, refers to a Paper publish'd 1693, call'd, A short State of our Condition.
Asks whether there were not as many Grievances talk'd of during the first ten glorious Years of Q. Anne, when a Treasurer was at the Head of Affairs, who, when he resign'd his Office, Went out with clean Hands, and empty too!
Queries, if the Ministry-haters of those Times did not represent our Victories as so many Steps to our Ruin; infamously charging the bestGeneral