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Weekly Essays in MARCH, 1731.
No. III.

General in the world with private views of his own Glory?

Bids us judge by what we know, not by what we read, and confider the characters and motives of the persons who complain; that when we are told our Constitution is in danger, our Liberties precarious, and our Properties insecure; we should take a view of our Happiness arising from our Liberty, which is secur'd by Guardian-Laws, and those Laws superior to the Will and Appetite of every Subject, and to which the Kings of England are themselves subject.

The Craftsman, Saturday March 20. No. 245.

COntinues Remarks on the Reign of K. James I. and says, this Prince, contrary to the measures and conduct of his Predecessor, endeavour'd, without Talents, to procure the People's Esteem, and so awaken'd their Jealoufy, instilling in their minds a good opinion of himself, and a mean one of them. Observes, that Q. Elizabeth had been jealous of her Prerogative, but moderate in the exercise of it; but that K. James imagin'd the higher he carried it, the more strongly he should be settled on the Throne.

That by the absurd notions principles of his government, opposition, prejudice, divisions and disputes were rais'd and fomented, and K. James, by using tricks of Government, conjur'd up a storm in which his successor perish'd; that his successor came a Party-man to the Throne, and his prejudices caused him to continue an invasion on the people's Rights, whilst he imagin'd himself only concern'd in the defence of his own.

Illustrates these assertions by facts. Says, that he was receiv'd with transports of joy, and that all ranks of men made their court to him; but that he, believing these transports of the people were due to his eminent merit, and an homage paid for the honour he did them in accepting their Crown, took state, and disperfed them with frowns, not to say with curses; yet that he sunk into low familiarity with his favorites; that he was profuse of his riches, and so lavish of his honour, that they ceas'd to be so; insomuch that an Advertisement was pasted at St. Paul's, of An Art to help weak Memories to a competent knowledge of the names of the Nobility.

Observes, that K. James's affectation of learning lessen'd him as a King; for that the merit of a chief Governor is wisely to superintend the whole, and not to shine in any inferior Class.

Remarks, that the state and pompous Titles he was fond of, serv'd to render his pusillanimity more conspicuous and his person more contemptible; as appear'd by his revoking, as soon as he came to the Throne, those letters of reprisal on the subjects of Spain, which Q. Elizabeth had granted her subjects, that they might do themselves justice.

The last instance he gives of King James's cowardly behaviour, is, his not resenting the affront offer'd to our Flag by a Dutch man of war.

The Daily Courant, March 18.

Of Soldiers.

GIves a burlesque on the letter inserted in the Craftsman, No. 224. signed Tilbury, addressed to the common soldiers; in which he promises to endeavour their freedom, and they shall be oblig'd to serve in the army for a short and limited time only; at the expiration of which he doubts not but they will all quit the service, of which he is persuaded they do not approve. See p. 102.

Tells them, it will save their officer the expence of recruiting, since, in this case, they may tell their officers at any time they will continue no longer in the service.

Says, 'twill be a great benefit to themselves, and save the lives of many British subjects, since few wou'd desert when they might publickly upona march