A Plea for the Jews, | p. 97 |
Law-hands, and Law-language, the Benefit of | 98 |
———the Absurdity of, | 120 |
Of popular Applause, | ibid. |
Almanacks, Hottentots, Bigamy and Manslaughter, | 99 |
Of Liberty, | ibid. |
Causes of the Intricacy, Expence, and Confusion of Law-Proceedings, | 100 |
Of Inconstancy; a Comparison; A recommendation of Mr. Pless and his Wife, | 101 |
———Answer to two of these | 103 |
Considerations on three Political Pamphlets, | ibid. |
On limiting the time Soldiers are to serve in the Army | ib. |
———burlesq'd | 114 |
Of Solitude, | 102 |
Extract of the Register of Parliament at Paris, concerning Libels | 103 |
Of Impudence, | 104 |
Partiality in Parents to their Children | 104 |
Of Popular Discontent, | 105 |
Remarks on the Reign of K. James I. | 106 |
Of Englishing the Law, | ibid. |
Of Corruption, | 107 |
Of Republican Principles, | 108 |
Criticism on Hudibras; Charitable Corporation; Orator Henley, | ibid. |
Reflections on E. B———l, Esq; and Ld B———ke | 109 |
Of Sedition, | 110 |
Of Coffee-Grounds, | ibid. |
Remarks on a Bill depending in Parliament to prevent Suit for Tythes, &c. | 111 |
A Rule to determine the Val. of Bar-Silver, and use | 112 |
Collet's Course of Exchange,———the Advantage of it | 121 |
The Earl of Oxford's Conduct confider'd, | 113 |
Easiness of Belief, the Ground of Complaints, | 113 |
Remarks on the Reign of K. James I. | 114 |
History of Patriotism, | 115 |
Of the Excise, | ibid. |
Memoirs of Mrs. Oldfield's Life, | 116 |
Of common Beggers, | ibid. |
Of Pleasure, | 117 |
Of Impropriations, | 118 |
Of Corruption, its Causes and Remedies, | 119 |
Of Happiness, | 120 |
Method of writing on Bank-Notes sent by the Post to prevent robbing the Mails | 122 |
Domestick Occurrences, | 123 |
Deaths, Malefactors, | 126, 127 |
Promotions | 129 |
Marriages, Casualties, | 130 |
Ecclesiastical Preferments | 131 |
Bankrupts, | ibid. |
Foreign Affairs, | 132 |
A Table of Stamps, | 133 |
Scheme of the Lottery, | 134 |
Weekly Bills, | ibid. |
Books published, | 135 |
Prices of Goods | 137 |
Fairs, | 139 |
Observations on Gardening | 140 |