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Gentleman's Magazine:
MARCH, 1731.

A View of the Weekly ESSAYS in this Month.

Extract of a Letter from a Correspondent to the Daily Courant.

The Jews Defended.

HE pleads the Cause of the Jews, in Answer to the Arguments advanced against them in the Post-boy, (see No. II. of the Gentleman's Magazine p. 76.) wherein they are represented as Creatures unworthy of our Community, and Banes and Pests to all the Race of Mankind.

Considers whether this People deserved that cruel Treatment which they met within past infatuated Ages.

That they ought not, he believes, none will deny, who reflect, that 'tis morally impossible we should be all of the same Opinion in Matters of Religion; that Education, and the Notions imbib'd in our Infancy, generally determine our future Conduct, and that few shake off the Prejudices of Education, the Religion of their Parents, or the Customs of their Country; that Reason commands us to judge favourably and charitably of all Men; and why not of the Jews, who are allied to us under a nearer Tye than Mahometans, or Heathens?

That to view them as Members of this Society, and Subjects to the King, they must be acknowledg'd as very useful Parts of the British Nation, who contribute to the Extension of its foreign and domestick Trade, who export our woollen Manufactures, which employs our Poor, keeps our Shipping in action, and brings a large Revenue to the Crown.

Says further, that they greatly support the Publick Credit, not only by their own Capitals, but by the vast Sums which their Jewish Correspondents constantly put into our publick Funds.

That 'tis notorious, that many of them having amass'd great Riches in foreign Parts, have retir'd hither to enjoy the Fruits of their Labour.

But observes, that were they the least apprehensive of a Persecution they would soon fly to a neighbouring Nation, who would gladly embrace them, and laugh at us for our profound Policy.

As to the Observation made in the Daily Post-boy, that the Hollanders keep them out of all publick Stocks at home, and hang them up, if they catch them in their Plantations abroad; this Writer says, 'tis absolutely false; and that the Stocks are there entail'd upon their Children as hereditary Estates, which they cannot dispofe of; and that they with impunity reside in several of their Plantations.

Concludes, that 'tis inconsistent with Christianity to hate the Jews, since they have no Antipathy to Christians, as appears by sending their Children to christian Schools, and encouraging them to converse with Christians.