Against Lisbon, in this Calculation, the Balance Price is 45 Grots 53⁄64 Banco of Amsterdam, for one Cruzade of Lisbon of 400 Rées—And the Advised Price is 45 Grots 1⁄4 Banco for said Cruzade—This Advised Price being under the Balance Price.—Whoever therefore (according to the above Rule of Directions) draws on Lisbon, at 5s, 5d1⁄4. Sterling for one Milrea—And remits to Amsterdam, at 34 Schellings 11 Grots Banco for one Pound Sterling, will find a Profit of L 1:11:013⁄4 Sterling per Cent. by so negotiating his Money, against that of Foreigners.—For L 100 Sterling, taken at 5s. 5d. 5⁄8 Sterling for his Draught on Lisbon, draws thence 365,714 Rées—And L 100 Sterling so taken, deliver'd for Amsterdam, at 34 Schellings 11 Grots Banco for one Pound Sterling, remits to Amsterdam 1047 Guilders 10 Stivers Banco.—And 1047 Guilders 10 Stivers Banco of Amsterdam, at 45 Grots 1⁄8, the Advised Price for a Cruzade, will replace at Lisbon, 371,412 Rées for 365,714 Rées that were drawn thence. And the difference of these two Lisbon Sums, is a Gain of L 1, 11:013⁄4 per Cent. in our Favour, on the Monies so exchanged, as in the Calculation above, in the Column marked G.
N. B. The Impossibility of making a true Judgment on the Exchanges, without the Balance Prices, shews the Usefulness, and Necessity of that Column, in the Courses of Exchange. And such as do not know how, or have not Time to calculate them, may be furnish'd with Collet's Course of Exchange, exactly balanc'd every Tuesday and Friday.
To prevent the MAILS being robb'd.
THE Bristol Mail, after passing unmolested five Years, having been robb'd twice last Year, and the Persons convicted thereof discover'd by Indorsements on Bank Notes taken away, it has been thought proper by the Postmafter general, to re-publish the Method prescribed in 1724, with some necessary Additions, to make it more difficult for Highway-men, or their Accomplices, to put off such Notes; which Method, as now improved, is recommended to Practice by all Persons who shall send Notes by the Post, viz. to write on the Back the Proprietor's Name, and the Place where sent from and to, with the Day of the Month in Words, not in Figures, which have been alter'd; and to write on the other side an Order to stop Payment, if the Mail is robb'd, in the following manner:
On the Back.
London, March the first, 1730, per Post to Chester,
John Hind, Proprietor of this Note.
On the face of the Note:
Upon Notice that the Mail is robb'd, stop Payment
at the Bank, until Advice from
John Hind
John Strong
If there is occasion to remit the said Note to London, write,
Chester, March the tenth, 1730, per Post to London,
John Strong, Proprietor of this Note.
The Order to stop Payment need not be writ again, only sign'd as above by John Strong under the other Name, and so by every Proprietor, the Names answering on each side. As a further Caution, it is required that the Proprietors keep by them a Memorandum of such Endorsements, also of the Number, Date, and Sum of each Note sent by Post.
N.B. An exact Plan of these Directions may be seen at every Post-house.