Monthly Intelligencer.
MARCH, 1731.
Monday, March 1.
BEING the Anniversary of the Queen's Birth-day when her Majesty enter'd the 49th Year of her Age, there was a splendid Appearance of Nobility and Gentry at St. James's; her Majesty was magnificently dress'd, and wore a flower'd Muslin Head, and Edging, as did also her Royal Highness.
The L, Portmore was said to have the richest Dress, tho' an Italian Count had 24 Diamonds instead of Buttons.
The City of Lincoln put up in their Guildhall the Pictures of their present Majesties, his late Majesty, and his Royal Highness, the two last the Gift of Mr. Powmnel of that Place.
York March, 1. This Day the R. Hon. the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, &c. laid the Foundation-stone of the Theatre that is to be erected on the Plan of the R. H. the Earl of Burlington, our Lord Lieut. and Governor. It will be 92 Foot in the Front, (where will be a magnificent Portico) and 136 Foot in Depth, and will consift of seven fine Rooms, one of which will have a Colonade of 48 Corinthian Pillars supporting the upper part of the Building, which is to be adorn'd with the like Number of Pilasters of the same Order, Windows being between each to the Number of 44: There will be a Gallery all round on the out-side, where People may look in at the Windows, and see all that passes in the Inside.—At 12 o' Clock three Troops of Gen. Churchil's Regiment march'd to the Lord Mayor's who, &c. performed the Ceremony of laying the Stone, which had a Latin Inscription fix'd on it in Brass, and several Pieces of our Coin, the Troops firing at the same time, and the twelve Bells of the Minster ringing, &c. The Inscription follows:
`Richardus Comes de Burlington, Hujus urbis Præses, Seculi Marenas, bas Ædes erexit: Quo publici exhibeantur Ludi. Quo Proceves undique confluant, Quo artes efflorescant Liberales, Quo (dilatante negotio) gloria pristina Novo Eboraci splendore Ohumbretur. Ab boc die natali Caroline Reginæ serenissimæ nostra Mar. 1. A. D. MDCCXXX. Stabit Briganiual Epocha.
TUesday March 2.
Several Masters and Sailors of Bristol Merchant ships, that were taken by Spanish Guard da Costas, came to Town to give an Account to the Parliament of the cruel Treatment they met with from the Spaniards.
Wednesday, March 3.
Thomas Marsh was try'd at Reading, for robbing the Bristol Mail near Maiden-head Thicket, Aug. 31st last, and being found guilty was sentenc'd to be hang'd in Chains near the Place.
Thursday, March. 4.
Was a Meeting of the Royal Society, when Roger Gale, esq; read a learned Discourse concerning the Papyrus and Stylus of the Ancients, extracted in English from a larger Dissertation in Latin, composed by Sir John Clerk, Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, and at the same time hepre-