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Malefactors in MARCH, 1731.
No. III.

to the Deputy-Governor of the Bank, intimating, that if he might be admitted to the mercy of Transportation to Jamaica, he would make a full Confession and Discovery; and by the Answer brought back, conceiving some Hopes, he made and sign'd his Confession, impeach'd his Accomplice, and pleaded guilty on his Trial.

At the Place of Execution, he begg'd Pardon of the Court of Directors, pray'd for the Prosperity of the Bank, and dy'd very penitent.

2. John Chapel, aged 41, born in London, after a common Education, was put Apprentice to a Barber, afterwards marry'd, but his Wife being of a crazy Constitution, occasion'd him much Trouble and Charge. She dy'd, as reported, by Poyson which he gave her; but this, with the Story of his ravishing a Girl of 6 or 7 Years old, and of his forcing a near Relation of his against her Will, he absolutely deny'd. As to the Crime for which he suffer'd, he gave the following Account, viz. That coming acquainted with Sarah Martin, a Washerwoman, he often committed Uncleanness with her, and being with Child by him, she continually teaz'd him to marry her, which he could not comply with, because his Place in the Workhouse requir'd his being a single Person, and that she lov'd drinking, and was of a base wicked Temper; and therefore resolv'd to leave her, but could not, she haunting him continually: This he said, was the occasion of his conceiving a Design of her Murder, which he thus accomplish'd. They made an Appointment to take a Walk one Evening. Going towards Hoxton, they call'd at a Publick-house and drank together. When they came thence, Chapel desir'd her to return to Town and leave him, for he would never bear her Company, But she cursing and threatning him in an outragious Manner, he, with an Oaken-stick knock'd her down suddenly, and repeated his Blows with violence. She cry'd out, O! John, John, have Mercy, save my Life, but he redoubled his Strokes, and took out his two Knives, and gave her several Wounds, and stuck one of the Knives in her Scull. When she was quite dead, he left her and his murdering Tools, and return'd to Town; but was soon apprehended—he confess'd the Fact, pleaded guilty at the Old Baily, and had such strong Impressions of his Guilt, that he form'd a Prayer for his own use, and was very penitent to the Moment of his death

3. George Wych, convicted of robbing on the highway, was near 18 years old, of a good family, brought up at Westminster school, which leaving, he joyn'd himself with whores, thieves, and such like other abandon'd wretches, gaming away his money, and sometimes his cloaths; at last he ran away from his mother, his father being beyond sea; and never appeared again till taken up for two robberies. He seem'd to have but little contrition but what proceeded from the near approach of Death.

4. Thomas Andrews, alias Anderson, aged 19 and born in Worcestershire, was Wych's companion, and suffer'd for the same Crime, and had much the same character with his associate, both in life and death.

5. William Williams, aged 30, born in Yorkshire, and partner with the other two in the same crimes; said his business was to travel the country as a chapman; that the cause of this misfortune was poverty which he was reduc'd to by his wife's sickness; and that he was in a manner sorc'd into this action by the curses, threats and imprecations of his companions and fellow sufferers; which he was heartily sorry, and forgave all injuries done him.