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Vol. I.
Deaths in MARCH, 1731.
  • The Lady Dorothy Boyle, youngest Daughter to the Earl of Burlington.
  • Henry Creswick, of Inmarsh Moreton, in Gloucestershire, Esq; in the Commion of the Peace, and Major of the Trained-Bands.
  • 12. Mrs. Williams, Wife of Edward Williams, Esq; Daughter to the late Roderick Lloyd, Esq; of Essex-street, having been lately brought to Bed.
  • Mrs. Barnes, Widow, who was in custody in the late Reign, on Account of the late Bp. of Rochester's Business.
  • Ric. Price, Esq; at Hays in Middx. formerly a Register in Chancery.
  • 13. Mr. Joshua Green, a Woollen-draper in Ludgate-street, and an Ensign in the Guards.
  • 14. Mr. Henry Barns, Deputy-Filazer of London and Middlesex.
  • The Wife of Mr. Drake, a Druggist in Fleet-street, Sister to the Hon. Arthur Onslow, Esq; Speaker of the House of Commons.
  • Mrs. Pitt, Relict of the late Dr. Pitt, at her House in Conduit-street,
  • Ro. Gale, Esq; at Barnes, Son of Benj. Gale, of Abbot's Langley in Hertfordsh.
  • 18. Richard Gulston. Esq; at Widial Hall in Hertfordshire.
  • Mr. Inwood, a rich Merchant, Father to Col. Inwood of the Guards.
  • 10. The Duke of Wolfenbuttle-Lunenburgh.
  • 24. Mr. Nathaniel Wraxall, at Bristol, late Sheriff of that City.
  • 25. The Wife of ——Gascoigne, Esq; at Turnham-Green.
  • 26. The Rev. Mr. Wilmot going to Stapleforth, in Hertfordshire, his Horse fell with him, and kill'd him on the Spot.
  • 28. The Daughter of Sir Charles Peers, of an Illness with which she was seized the Evening before at the Play-house in Drury-lane.
  • Dr. Mountford, one of the Censors of the College of Physicians, at his Mr. Honuse in Wine-Office-Court, Fleet-street.
  • Dr. Kinch, a Dissenting Minister, at his House in Spittle-fields.
  • 29. Lewin Cholmley, Esq; Brother to John Cholmley, Esq; formerly Representative for the Borough of Southwark.
  • 29. Colonel Mohun, at his House in Poland-street.
  • Arthur Newcomb, Esq; Seal-keeper of the City of Chester, fell down a pair of Stairs, pitch'd upon his Head, and died immediately.

An Account of the Malefactors executed at Tyburn.

1. William Maynee, suffer'd for feloniously erasing two Indorsements from Bank-Notes, the first for 25l. from a Note of 50l. and the other for erasing an Indorsement of 30l.

He was aged about 48, born in Canterbury, and well educated. When of Age he was put Apprentice to a Wholesale Grocer in Watling-street. Being out of his Time, his Mother sent him to Jamaica, to recover some Money left by his Uncle. On his return he marry'd; but on some Difference, his Wife and he parted by Consent, and he went to Norflk, intending to lead a Country Life, where he marry'd a second Wife; but leaving her, he came to Town, and being a dextrous Accomptant, was admitted a Clerk in the Bank about 8 Years since. Being deeply in Debt, he hearken'd to a Proposal made him by one W———n, of recruiting himself from the large Sums that were current in the Bank, W———n received the Money for him, and had share of it; but growing more urgent, Maynee swore he would give him no more, so carry'd on his Frauds by himself. About the Year 1724, he marry'd a third Wife. All the mony he cheated the Bank of from the Year 1728, amounted to 4420l. Sterling. Being suspected, he was stopt at the Bank, Jan. 2d, and sent to the Compter, from whence he sentto