- 30. John Jolliffe, Esq; one of the Commissioners of the Wine-Licence Office, and Nephew to Sir William Jolliffe, of Epsom, Knt. to Mrs. Mitchell, a Surrey Lady of 30000 l. Fortune.
Ecclesiastical Preferments conferr'd on the following Reverend Gentlemen.
- MM. Johnson, Minister to the English Church at Amsterdam, presented by the L. Townshend to the Rectory of Raynham in Norfolk, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Dean Cole.
- Mr. Spateman, Rector of Great St. Bartholomew's Smithfield, presented to a Prebend in the Cathedral of Litchfield, vacant by the Promotion of the Rev. Dr. Penny, to the Deanery of the said Church.
- Dr. Bearcroft. Preacher to the Charter-house, nominated by the A. Bp of Canterbury to the Vicarage of Eltham, in his Grace's Diocese.
- Mr. Capper, elected Lecturer of the New Church in Bloomsbury.
- Mr. John Butler, late Fellow of Bennet College in Cambridge, presented by the Bp. of Ely, to the Living of Barton, in the County of Cambridge.
- Mr. Weaver, chosen Lecturer, for the united Parishes of St Margaret Pattons, and St. Gabriel Fenchurch-street, in the room of Mr. Cook, who resign'd.
- Mr. John Harper, presented to the Rectory of Shawell in Leicestershire, in the room of Mr. Sherrier, deceas'd.
- THomas Joyner, of Barkin in Effez, Maltster.
- William Plucknett of St John Wapping, Surgeon and Apothecary.
- Thomas Keddington, of Glensford, Suffolk, common Brewer.
- Jane Rudd of the Haymarket, Middlesex, Widow Coffee-woman.
- Henry Fletcher of Leeds, Yorkshire, Innholder and Vintner.
- Peter Tondu, of Greek-street, Soho, Middlesex, Vintner.
- William Amis, of Braintree, Essex, Cutler.
- George Hilton, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, Wool Chapman.
- Rich. and Tho. Woodward, of London, Goldsmiths and Bankers. The Cause of their Failure is charged on the Jews, who borrowed large Sums of them which belonged to English Merchants, with which they traded, but took no care to reimburse, according to their Engagements.
- Wm Lowfield, of St. Paul's Church-Yard, London, Hosier and Glover.
Foreign Affairs.
Moscow, Feb. 16.
THE Swedish Minister having demanded of Baron Osterman a plain declaration concerning the report, that her Czarian Majesty designed to send a fleet to the coasts of the Baltick, to execute the promise made to furnish the Emperor with 30,000 men, and to send them by the way of Poland; the Vice-Chancellor answered him, That the report was without foundation.
March, 20. Extract of a private letter from Seville.—A beginning has been made in the distribution of the effects of the Flotilla, and it is given out, that the silver will be delivered very speedily; all at the instances of the Court of Great Britain. Which is a manifest proof, not only of the good understanding between the 2 Crowns, but that what is doing before Gibraltar, is really with no other view, than to prevent a contraband Trade, which has been carried on there, to the great prejudice of his Majesty's revenues, without the least thought of attacking the place.