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Foreign Affairs in MARCH, 1731.
No. III.

Vienna, March 16. A Treaty was concluded between his Imperial Majesty and the King of Great Britain, which among other, contains the following Articles, 1. That the Quadruple Alliance shall be hereby renewed, and serve for the Basis of this Treaty. 2. That England guarantees his Imperial Majesty's Female Succession, as it is already, or may hereafter be settled by that Prince. 3. That 6000 Spanish Troops shall be admitted into Italy, in behalf of the Infante Don Carlos; that is to say, 4000 Men to secure the eventual Succession to the Great Dutchy of Tuscany for that Prince, and 2000 to take Possession of the Dutchies of Parma and Placentia. 4. That the Emperor shall absolutely revoke the Ostend Company's Charter, without so much as permitting Ships to go to such Places of the East Indies, where the English and Dutch have no Trade. 5. That the Affairs of East Friesland and Mecklemburg, shall be amicably adjusted. 7. That all good Offices shall be used with the King of Denmark in the behalf of the Duke of Holstein, concerning the Restitution of the Dutchy of Sleswick. That the States General and the Crowns of Sweden and Denmark, shall be invited to accede to this Treaty within six Months.

Amsterdam, Mar. 26. Letters from Cadiz advise, that the Sea being blown away in a late Storm, they had discover'd the Ruins of a Temple which was believed to be that of Hercules, so famous in Antiquity, and that 3 Statues were found therein, 1 of them gilt with Gold, another of massy Silver, and the third of Brass, all 3 exceeding beautiful.

Paris, Mar. 27. A Person sent to Senegal, in search of Mines, is returned, and says, that having travelled 300 Leagues into the Country, he came to a great Chain of Mountains, in which were several Gold Mines, and that all the Rivers that flow from those Mountains have Gold Dust, of which he has brought a litle bag as a Specimen.

Boston in N. England, Jan. 18, Extract from the Answer of the Hon. House of Representatives, to his Excellency's Speech, Dec. 31.—We are fully persuaded, that this House have gone as far as they can with safety to their People, in the Bill for your Excellency' Support. Our universal and strict loyalty to his Majesty, and high respect and great confidence in your Excellency, have kept us free from all Prejudices and Prepossessions: yet after the most deliberate and calm consideration we dare not come into Settlement according to your Excellency's frequent and urgent Proposals. It is matter of great concern to us that your Excellency, should make the least suggestion, that we are wanting in loyalty; there certainly cannot be any grounds for it from what we have been necessitated to do in faithfulness to his Majesty's good People here; whose real good, conformable to his glorious example, we hope your Excellency will ever seek and desire.

Extract of his Excellency's Message to them, Jan. 2.—I am apt to believe you will finally find one act of duty and loyalty would have been more to the service of your country, than all your Pretences thereto which you have been able to dress up. Since you seem resolved to make no further advances towards a compliance with the King's Instruction, I am the more satisfy'd, that I am doing my duty to the King, and his good People here, in dissolving this Court; by which I give the People of this Province an opportunity of shewing the obedience and loyalty, and their tender care of their liberties and privileges, in sending such to represent them in the next Assembly, as shall free them from the heavy charge and expence of this unreasonable dispute, &c. J. Belcher