ing a Cow, but was acquitted, it not being set forth in the Indictment, whether the field from whence he stole her, was an oblong or a square.
Concludes, that the extensive length of law Proceedings is another flagrant grievance, considering the many copies that must necessarily be made.
Fog's Journal, Saturday, March 6. No. 128.
THE first describes the Character of an inconstant Man, and asserts, that there always will be a set of different Principles, by which different Men will produce different Actions; the natural result of which is a spirit of Opposition. As, therefore, Men's actions be distinguish'd by the characters of good and bad, so are parties known by the Title of Tory and Whigg.
From these Maxims he proceeds to draw the ridiculous vice of Inconstancy.
Says, That whether with regard to religious Matters or Party, 'tis of all Failings the most contemptible, the most unpardonable.
Observes, 'Tis dangerous to trust those who take any Impression, and may be moulded into any Shape, and who, as occasion offers, are equally subservient to all Sides.
That Inconstancy, even in private Friendship, has been severely satyriz'd; much greater is his Guilt, who having insinuated himself into the Secrets of a whole Community, yet can for the sake of interest turn tail, and avow those Principles which are the Condition of his Reward.
Another inconvenience attending this Vice, he says, is the Loss of all credit with the World, which is the most miserable State a Man can be reduc'd to, who, metaphorically, may be said to be bury'd alive, a punishment which Tory-whigg treachery, he says, well deserves.
¶ The second letter is an Observation which the Author made from a French Astrologer, that the World was near at an End. Man, saith he, is a little World, and the World a great Man, and is subject to various Distempers, hath it's infancy, childhood, youth, middle-age, old-age and dotage; that from Adam to Noah was the World's infancy, from Noah to Abraham, his childhood, from Abraham to David his youth, from David to the captivity of Babylon, his middle-age, from thence unto Christ, his old age, from Christ to the Treaty of Seville, his dotage, and goes now, as it were, upon Crutches, and has an ugly hoskey Cough, and is Milt-grown.
¶ The third letter is from a female Correspondent, and recommends to his reading a pamphlet speedily to be publish'd, entitled, A particular account of the Proceedings, in relation to the arrest, examination, commitment, bail, and discharge, of Mr. Pless and his Wife, interspers'd with Observations, shewing, in the author's opinion, that some late Proceedings of Messengers and others, are unwarrantable by Law, and inconsistent with the liberty of the subject.
Concludes, with recommending Mr. Pless to the regard of the Publick, he being about to set up a Tavern or a Coffee-house in this City. See p. 103.
The Craftsman, Saturday March 6. No. 244.
REconsiders three Pamphlets lately publish'd. In the first, entitled, A Defence of the Measures of the present Administration, &c. he takes Notice of a Paragraph which he calls an Eulogium to the present Ministry, but declares himself at a Loss to comprehend the Meaning of all the Compliments which the Author bestows upon them; but says, the Meaning is explain'd in the two other Writers: The first of which is a Letter of Caleb D'anvers, Esq; upon his proper Reply, wherein the Writer asks, That supposing Mr. D'anvers had a Parliament