to his wish, what glorious Counsels might we expect from an Assembly of Fox-hunters? This Reflection, he says, is neither seasonable nor judicious; cannot apprehend, but a Fox-hunting Parliament, and a Fox-hunting Administration would very well agree; and adds, That it is a plain Insinuation that country Gentlemen of landed Estates, ought not to sit in the House of Commons, which was originally constituted of such Persons.
Examines another Query in the same Author, viz. What could we expect less than to see our Courtiers and soldiers turn'd out of the Army, as well as out of Parliament?
From this Paragraph the Craftsman infers, that the Author would convince us of the Necessity of a Standing Army, which he supposes would not be continued by a Parliament of country Gentlemen; and that a Militia within Doors would produce a Militia without.
The last Pamphlet he takes Notice of, is that entitled, Some Observations on the present State of Affairs, &c. in which, speaking of the Hessian Troops, the Author remarks, That this foreign Army gives great uneasiness, as well as our standing Forces at home; that free Governments have degenerated into absolute Monarchy, the Cause of which has generally been an Army; that our Country is in a declining State, and must expect the Fate of other Governments; and that we cannot disperse the Storm, but may avert it for a Time by a standing Force.
The Craftsman in his Remarks upon this Paragraph observes, That the Author allows that Standing Armies are dangerous to a Constitution, and yet pleads for them: that the Administration of Affairs is grown impracticable without Corruption; and leaves it to the Consideration of Mr. Osborne himself, whether such infamous Doctrines as these do not make it necessary to plead the Cause of the British Constitution. (See Osborne's Answer p. 108.)
In this Paper is also a Letter from an old Officer in the Army, sign'd Tilbury, who expresses his Satisfaction to see in the Votes an Instruction to the Committee for the Mutiny Bill to receive a Clause for Limiting the Time Soldiers are to serve in the Army.
This, he says, is a very commendable Regard to poor Wretches, who have been deluded thro' Liquor, or forc'd by misfortunes into the Service. That such a Limitation on other Accounts is very Reasonable; 1. As it is the Practice of all other Countries, and was so in the late war. 2. Felons are only transported for a certain Time. 3. If an Army is ty'd to slavery during life, what concern can they have for the publick Liberty? 4. That it wou'd prevent deserting, and save Officers the Expence of recruiting, on that Account. 5. It would be more agreeable to the Soldiery, and beneficial to the Government, by procuring a willing instead of a forced Service. 6. Many would take a turn for a Time, who would not be chain'd down for life, and so all our able Men would be disciplined, against any Emergency; wherefore he hopes it will pass into a Law. See 114 & 208.
The Register, Sat. March 6. No. 47.
Contains a Piece translated from the Arabick, address'd to the the Santon Muley Abdallah, an Admirer of Wisdom, and Friend of Solitude, whose retreating from the Conversation of mortals our Author commends, then launches out in his Description of the Blessings of Retirement.
Congratulates him on his Retreat into the Desart, which his Vertue makes a Paradise: That none but Souls the most finish'd by the Almighty, are equal to such a Life.
Longs for the Conversation of Mussulmen, and is weary of the Society of Christians, who, he says, are full as uneasy as himself; that to kill Time is a common Phrase, and Murders of this kind are frequent among 'em.The