Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/2

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Diurnall Occurences
Parliament from the twenty
two of November to the twenty nine

Monday in the Honſe of Commons they received letters from Ireland, intimating that theire troubles are ſo great, that they have ſcarce time eyther day or night to write That the Rebells doe much increaſe and preſſe hard toward Dublin, which putteth the Kingdom into great feare being ſcarce able to reſiſt them. That they want mony to pay their Souldiers already entertained.

That the Rebels doe expect Armes and ſupply from forraine parts, both from England, Erance, and Spaine.

That ſending to the Rebels to demande the cauſe of theire taking up of Armes, they returne a remonſtrance that it is to maintaine the Kinges prerogative and the freedome of Concience, in the exerciſing of religion, which if they may have

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