Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/3

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confermed by Acte of Parliament they will lay downe theire Armes, and make reſtitution for the harmes done by them.

That the Governours returned anſwere to theire Remonſtrance, that if they would lay downe theire Armes and repaire to theire owne dwellings, they ſhould have pardon and that they would bee a meanes to the Parliament for the ſatisfaction of theire demandes

Vpon this letter there was a conference with the Lords for the leavying of 50000.pound more to that which is ſent according as it is directed in the letter.

Alſo the examination of Sergeant Majour Shelley taken in Ireland againſt Sir Henery Beddingfield was then read. That he being at his houſe in Norfolke about Aprill laſt, the ſaid Sir Henery asking how the Army ſtood in Ireland: and if there were good hawking and hunting there, he intended to goe over: but now hee would ſtay, for that before the next Chriſtmas there would come the greateſt troubls upon England and Ireland that have hapned theſe 100.Yeares.

After this, in the houſe of Commons they read the declaration of the ſtate of the Kingdom; and how farre the grievances had beene reduced by this Parliament.
there was a great debate about divers clauſes in it, and it was firſt put to the queſtion that thoſe clauſes wherein the Biſhops are tearmed malignant perſons to the well-farre, and peace of thisKingdome