Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/5

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The reſt of this day was ſpent in debate of an order from the Covncell of Warre tovching the proporſion of Annuncion for this expedition.

This day a Report made to the houſe of certain Iriſh lately come over, and lying in Roſemarylaine, who were ſuſpected to be dangerous perſons, it was preſently ordered, that a ſearch ſhould be made in the ſaid houſe, & to bring ſuch perſons as they found there to the houſe.

Wedneſday morning, the houſe ſate in debate about Maſter Palmers offence againſt the remonſtrance, and there was a great conference, whither he ſpake againſt the vote of the houſe for publiſhing, or againſt the printing thereof; it being generally concluded that he ſpake againſt the vote of the houſe, and it was moved for his puniſhment.

Firſt, that he ſhould be called to the barre.

Secondly, committed to the Tower.

Thirdly, that hee ſhould be expelled the houſe.

Fourthly, that he ſhould be diſabled for ever being a Parliament man, or to ſit in any place of judicature; in this the houſe could not agree, but it was put to the queſtion, and carried ſo, that he ſhould be called to the bar to anſwere for himſelfe, whereupon coming to the barre he ſaid, that he was ſenſible of his misfortune to ſpeake at that time: yet it was farre from his intentions to raiſe a muteny, or that he ſpake or intended any thing againſt the vote of the houſe, but onely againſt the printing of the ſame.

This debate held the houſe all that day, being great oppoſitions and debate about it.
