Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/6

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Alſo there were Iriſh men lately come over and brought to the gate-houſe till further leiſure to examine them.

Thurſday, morning they againe fell into debate about Maſter Palmer, and it was put to the queſtion and agreed upon that he ſhould be ſent to the Tower.

This day the King came to London, with the Queene and Prince; and was met, and brought into the City, by moſt of the Nobility, the Lord Majore Aldermen, and companies of London in great ſtate and ttiumph, and was feaſted by the City in Guilp hall, and afterward conducted by them to White-Hall, & he City preſented his Majeſty with a gift of 20000. pounds put into a great cup of gold, 5000. l. to the Queene in a golden Baſen, which in all amounted to 30000. Vpon this the King made the Lord Major a Knight Barronet, and the recorder a Knight.

This day the houſe received the report of the committe concerning the Iriſh larely committed, whereupon they were diſcharged, onely Captaine English, at whoſe houſe they lodged when they firſt came over about ſome perumptory ſpeeches to the committe appointed to examine him.

Ordered that hee ſhould bee examined before the Lord chife Iuſtice, and that good bayle ſhould bee taken for his forth comming.

Fryday they drew up another bill for Tunnage and poundage to his Majeſtie to the firſt of Februarie next.

This day alſo reading the bill for the maine buſineſſe in the Lords houſe, they referred it toa