Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/8

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Alſo they ordered to ſend another Coppie thereof to the Lords to the ſame purpoſe.

This evening the Lords being returned from his Majeſty, brought word that he was pleaſed, that the trained bond ſhould continue foure or eight dayes longer, and that he intended to bee there the Tueſday following, upon which there was a conference with the Commons, and it was then moved that the Lords ſhould joyne with them in drawing up a petition to his Majeſty to give reaſons for the longer continuance of the trained band.

This evening the Citizens of London underſtanding that the trained band was diſcharged, came a great company of them volluntariy, profering the commons to attend dayly the Parliament, if they ſhould be deſired.