Page:The Heads of Severall Proceedings in This Present Parliament.pdf/7

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a committee in the painted Chamber: the next Thurſday following. And that the Maſters and Wardens of the Vintners Company ſhould attend to make theire defence.

This day his Majeſtie was expected at the Lords houſe, but came not by reaſon of his going to Hampton Gourt to the Queene, but ſent a meſſage to the Lords that hee thought fit that the Trained band ſhould bee diſcharged from theire dayly attendance for that it would cauſe Ielowſies and feares in the kingdom, the Lords acquainting the honſe of Commons therewith, whence upon they returned a meſſage, deſiring the Lords would joyne with them in peticioning his Majeſtie they might bee deferred till the affaires of the kingdom were better ſetled: whereupon the Lords accordingly ſent the Earle of Warricke and Briſtoll to move his Majeſtie therein.

Satturday there was a complaint made in the houſe to the Lords, againſt one that ſhould enforme the Lords that the Commons diſliked the entertainement the Commons gave to the King vpon which a warrant was ſent toibringe him before the houſe, then they againe reade, and voted the Bill againſt Recuſants and ſent it to the Lords deſireing theire might bee care taken of them. Allſo they read and voted the Bill of Tunnage and poundage the ſecond and third time.

After that they drew up a peticion to his Majeſtie deſiring his aſſent for the publiſhing of the Remonſtrance and the annexed Coppy of the remonſtrance to the peticion.
