- Dravya, 61, 95, 108, 164, 255.
- Dravya ahiṁsā, 117.
- Dravya hiṁsā, 117.
- Dravyānuyoga, 16.
- Dreams, the fourteen, 22 ff.
- Dṛiḍhaketu, 276.
- Dṛiṣṭiki āśrava, 142.
- Dṛiṣṭivāda Aṅga, 15.
- Dudhapāka, 195.
- Dugañċhā, 136.
- Duḥṣamā, see Duṣama.
- Duppasahasūri, 275.
- Durbhaga, 138.
- Duṣama, 163, 275, 276.
- Duṣama Duṣama, 275, 276.
- Duṣama Suṣama, 26, 51, 274, 276.
- Dusvara, 138.
- Duties of monks and nuns, 151 ff., 228 ff.
- Dvaipāyana, 277.
- Dvārakā, 112, 277.
- Dveṣa, 128 ff.
- Dveṣikī āśrava, 143.
- Dvīndriya, see Be-indriya.
- Dvīpa Kumāra, 269.
- Eka Siddha, 171.
- Ekāntavādin, 91.
- Ekatva bhāvanā, 158.
- Ekendriya jīva, 97, 104, 105, 106.
- Ekendriya nāma, 136.
- Elephant, 51.
- Elephant of pride, the, 152.
- Elūrā, 281.
- Emotion, 102.
- Endurance, Ways of, see Parīṣaha.
- Enmity, see Dveṣa.
- Envy, 103, 128.
- Epigraphy, 85.
- Eṣaṇā samiti, 145, 234.
- Eschatology, 169 ff., 268 ff., 293.
- Eternity of the world, 272 ff.
- Ethics, Jaina, 122, 131, 297.
- Evening Worship, 258.
- Evil eye, 264.
- Evil spirits, 265 f.
- Excommunication, 211 n., 240.
- Extension of Jainism, 9 ff.
- Faith, 229, 248, 254.
- false, see Mithyātva.
- Right, 245 ff., 262.
- Famine, the great, 10, 70 ff.
- Fasting, 31, 32 n., 39, 253, 259 ff.
- Fasts, see Festivals.
- Fatalism, 60, 73, 185.
- Fatherhood of God, 128, 192.
- Faultfinding, see Nindā.
- Fear, see Bhaya.
- Feeding ceremony, 195.
- Female division of jīva, 96.
- Female Tīrthaṅkara, 56, 122.
- Fergusson, Dr. J., 280.
- Festivals, 259 ff.
- Ficus religiosa, 53.
- Fifth-day ceremonies, 193.
- Fifteenth-day ceremonies, 194.
- Fire, 98, 99.
- Five faults, 205 ff.
- Five Great Ones, the, see Pañċa Parameśvara.
- Five, Salutation to the, 187, 229, 258.
- Flemish art, 281.
- Flowers in Worship, Use of, see Puṣpa pūjā.
- Food, 138, 148, 213, 219, 258.
- Forgiveness, 126 n., 259 f., 290, 292.
- Form, see Pudgaḷāstikāya.
- Fruit, 99, 252.
- Offering of, see Phaḷa pūjā.
- Führer, Dr., 280.
- Full-moon fasts, 261.
- Funeral ceremonies, 203 ff.
- Gabhāro (or shrine), 281 ; see also Temple Worship.
- Gaċċhāċāra, 15.
- Gajapurī, 56.
- Gaṇa, 65.
- Gaṇadeva, 80 n.
- Gaṇadhara, 61, 65, 66.
- Gāndharva, 269.
- Gāndhī, Mr., 205 n.
- Gaṅga, 73.
- Ganges, river, 275.
- Gaṇividyā, 15.
- Gaṇīvijaya, 15.
- Garaṇījī, see Nuns.
- Gardabhila, 75, 76.
- Gargaṛiṣi, 82.
- Gati, 176, 182, 228, 251, 274.
- Gautama Indrabhūti, 40, 44, 50, 61, 65, 68, 127, 248.