Page:The Heart of Jainism (IA heartofjainism00stevuoft).djvu/349

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  • Gentleman, the ideal, 224.
  • Germs, 102, 103.
  • Ghātin karma, 184, 190.
  • Ghrāṇendriya, 96.
  • Gifts to Religious, 231.
  • Girnār, Mt., 17, 58, 168, 252, 282.
  • Goat, 56.
  • Goblins, 105.
  • God, 128, 192, 246, 248, 292 ff.
  • Gods, 97.
  • false, 246.
  • Gomata, see Gomateśvara.
  • Gomateśvara, 263, 285.
  • Goose, Red, 52.
  • Gorajī, 233.
  • Gośāla, 36, 58 ff., 65, 68, 72, 97 n., 102, 111, 130, 185.
  • Gossip, 188.
  • Goṣṭa Mahāl, 78.
  • Gothic Architecture, 281 f.
  • Gotra karma, 182, 184, 10 n.
  • Gotrīja, 199, 201.
  • Gotrījhāraṇāṁ, 195.
  • Govara, 61.
  • Govardhana, 80 n.
  • Govindānanda, 179 n., 182 n., 184 n.
  • Grace, 290.
  • Graha, 270.
  • Graiveyika, 270, 272.
  • Granthibheda, 186.
  • Gravity, Laws of, 106.
  • Greed, 122 ff., 140, 173, 181, 187 ff.; see also Lobha.
  • Grief, see Śoka.
  • Grierson, Dr., 21.
  • Gṛihaliṅga Siddha, 170.
  • Gṛihastha, 67 n.
  • Griswold, Dr., 107 n.
  • Gujarāt, Gujarātī, 17, 68, 69 n., 84, 86, 162 n.
  • Guṇa, 108.
  • Guṇasthānaka, 185 ff.
  • Guṇavrata, the three, 210, 257.
  • Gupti, the three, 147, 238, 241, 257.
  • Guru, 219, 246 f.
  • Guru, Reverence to, 112, 215, 255.
  • Habakkuk, 248 n.
  • Haigh, Rev. H., 172 n.
  • Hair, Removal of, 32, 165, 226.
  • Hair-cutting (of infant), 194.
  • Hajām, 230.
  • Haṁsa, 80.
  • Hand, mark of, 200.
  • Hanumān, 130.
  • Harasatyakī, 277.
  • Hari dynasty, 57.
  • Haribhadrasūri, 80, 82.
  • Harṣa, 245 n.
  • Hāsaṁ parijāṇāi, 235.
  • Hastināpura, 55, 56.
  • Hastipāla, King, 43.
  • Hāsya, 135.
  • Hatred, see Dveṣa.
  • Haṭṭhisiṁha's temple, 284, 293 n.
  • Hawk, 55.
  • Heat, enduring, see Uṣṇa parīṣaha.
  • Heaven, 60 n., 160, 164, 169, 171 ff., 270 ff., 293 ff.
  • Hegel, 92.
  • Height of mankind, 51 ff., 273 ff.
  • Hell, 46, 60 n., 117, 125, 229, 268 ff., 276.
  • Hell-beings, 101, 102, 158, 160, 268.
  • Hemaċandra, 17, 84 ff., 86, 95, 287 f.
  • Hemāċārya, see Hemaċandra.
  • Heroes, sixty-three great, 56 n.
  • Himālayas, 51.
  • Himavata, Mt., 23.
  • Hiṁsā, 110, 116 ff., 130, 206, 210 n., 220.
  • Hiṁsādāna, 214.
  • Hindu, Derivation of the word, 118.
  • Hinduism, Relations with, 67 n., 71, 127 ff., 131 n., 174 ff., 180, 180 n., 254, 263 f., 264 ff., 268 ff.
  • History, 7 ff., 65 ff., 68 n.
  • Hiuen Tsang, 18.
  • Hoernle, Dr., 22, 28, 43 n., 58, 59, 70 n., 72, 79, 85.
  • Holī, 264.
  • Holiness, 144.
  • Holy days, see Festivals.
  • Honesty, 119 ff., 208, 235.
  • Honey, 210 n.
  • Hope, 248.
  • Horoscope, 193.
  • Horse, 52.
  • Houselessness, see Wandering life.
  • Human beings, 101, 102.
  • Humility, 152; see also Pride.
  • Huṇḍa saṁsthāna, 138.