A Deſcription of
The Iſland being very rocky, the Buildings are moſtly Stone, I mean thoſe which are inhabited by the Gentry; for the others, they are no more than Cabins built of Sods, and covered with the ſame, except a few belonging to the better Sort of Farmers, which are thatched with Straw: but in the midſt of the utmoſt Irregularity, they have two Conveniencies, which ſometimes the beſt ordered Houſes cannot boaſt of, the fineſt Brooks in the World running continually near them, and Turf, which makes a very ſweet Firing, at their very Doors. Their Towns are ſix in Number, and called,
Of theſe I ſhall give a particular Deſcription, having ſpent a great deal of Time in examining ſeveral Curioſities and Antiquities which I believe no Author