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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/9

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the Iſle of MAN.

As to the Seaſons, three Parts of the Year is Winter, and the vaſt Quantity of Snow and Rain, that are almoſt continually falling, ſwells the Rivers to that Degree, that they frequently overflow the Lands, and do much Damage; great Numbers of ſmall Cattle, ſuch as Sheep, Goats, and Hogs, being loſt in them. Notwithſtanding this, the Air is very wholſome, the Plague, nor any other contagious Diſtemper having never been known there, and the People generally live to a very great Age.

The Black Cattle of this Iſland are excellently good, but ſmall, as alſo their Sheep: it abounds in Hogs and Goats, Kid being as commonly eat there as Lamb in England. They have great Store of Poultry of all Sorts, except Turkies, which being hard to rear, are not to be found but in particular Families. The near Neighbourhood of the Sea, and the Number of Rivers, afford very fine Fiſh of all Kind, but eſpecially Salmon and Cod: tho' Herrings are the chief Food of the poor People, which are ſalted up in the Seaſon to laſt for the whole Year.

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