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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/108

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A Deſcription of

fords finer Fiſh; I have ſeen Eels of ſix Foot long, and Salmon of between four and five Foot, and wonderfully ſweet and luſcious: nor is their Wild-Fowl inferiour to any, eſpecially the Woodcocks and Teal. They have alſo a kind, which I never heard of any where elſe; it is called a Puffen, and is of a grey Colour, with a white Breaſt, ſomewhat bigger than a tame Pigeon, and is good Food to be eat freſh, only is too fat, and has ſomething of a fiſhy Taſte; but is excellent when potted or pickled, and will laſt good for a whole Year. Theſe Birds are taken in a Place, called the Calf of Man, where they breed in great quantities in the Holes of the Rocks. They both fly, and ſwim and dive in the Water like Ducks. The beſt Time for taking them, is in the latter End of July, and the Beginning of Auguſt.

Rabbits are in ſuch Plenty, eſpecially in the Months of Auguſt and September, that they may be bought for a Penny a-piece, returning the Skins, which are the Perquiſite of the Earl of Derby, and given to his Steward, who: ſends them to England and Ireland by Per-
