ſons who come over every Year, on purpoſe to import them.
But as the Herring-Fiſhery is the moſt talked on abroad of any thing appertaining to this Iſland, I believe my Reader will be ſurprized that I have ſo long been ſilent on that Head: To comply therefore with his Expectation, and diſcharge, as well as in me lies, the Duty of an Hiſtorian, I shall give as perfect an Account of it as poſſible.
Tho' Herrings are taken all round this Iſland, yet the main Body of the Fiſher-Boats goes out from Port Iron, where the Fiſhermen are attended by a Clergyman, who joins with them in a ſolemn Form of Prayer, on the Sea-ſide, to Almighty God, that he will be pleaſed to ſavour their Undertaking, and bleſs their Nets with Plenty. 'Tis the Opinion of many learned Men, that there is no created Being on Earth, of which there is not a Similitude in the Sea, and the Creatures which I have ſometimes ſeen brought up with the Herrings, ſeem to confirm the Truth of this Conjecture. Nothing is more common, than for their Nets to