ed to make me believe his Aſſertion true, by a thouſand Oaths and Imprecations. I happening to mention this at Port Iron, they ſeemed to wonder at my Incredulity, and gave me the following Narration.
In the Time, ſaid they, that Oliver Cromwell uſurped the Protectorship of England, ſew or no Ships reſorted to this Iſland, and that Uninterruption and Solitude of the Sea, gave the Mermen and Mermaids (who are Enemies to any Company but thoſe of their own Species) frequent Opportunities of viſiting the Shore, where, in moonlight Nights, they have. been ſeen to ſit, combing their Heads, and playing with each other; but as ſoon as they perceived any body coming near them, jumped into the Water, and were out of ſight immediately. Some People, who lived near the Coaſt, having obſerved their Behaviour, ſpread large Nets, made of ſmall, but very ſtrong Cords, upon the Ground, and watched at a convenient diſtance for their Approach. The Night they had laid this Snare, but one happened to come, who was no ſooner ſet down, than thoſe who held the Strings