of the Net, drew them with a ſudden Jirk, and encloſed their Prize beyond all Poſſibility of eſcaping.
On opening the Net, and examining their Captive, by the largeneſs of her Breaſts, and the Beauty of her Complexion, it was found to be a Female; nothing, continued my Author, could be more lovely, more exactly formed, in all Parts above the Waiſt, reſembing a compleat young Woman, but below that, all Fish, with Fins, and a huge ſpreading Tail. She was carried to a Houſe, and uſed very tenderly, nothing but Liberty being denied. But tho' they ſet before her the beſt Proviſion the Place afforded, she would not be prevailed on to eat, or drink, neither could they get a Word from her, tho' they knew theſe Creatures were not without the Giſt of Speech, having heard them talk to each other, when ſitting regaling themſelves on the Sea-ſide. They kept her in this manner three Days, but perceiving ſhe began to look very ill with faſting, and ſearing ſome Calamity would befall the Iſland if they ſhould keep her till ſhe died, they agreed to let her return to the