Element he liked beſt, and the third Night ſet open their Door; which, as ſoon as she beheld, ſhe raiſed herſelf from the Place where she was then lying, and glided with incredible Swiftneſs, on her Tail, to the Sea-ſide. They followed at a diſtance, and ſaw her plunge into the Water, where she was met by a great number of her own Species, one of whom aſked what she had obſerved among the People of the Earth; nothing very wonderful, anſwer'd she, but that they are ſo very ignorant, as to throw away the Water they have boiled Eggs in, This Queſtion, and her Reply, they told me, was diſtinctly heard by thoſe who ſtood on the Shore to watch what paſſed.
As I had not yet attained a thorough Knowledge of the Superſtition of theſe People, nor the paſſionate Fondneſs for every thing that might be termed, The Wonderful; I was exceſſively ſurprized at this Account, given with ſo ſerious an Air, and ſo much, and ſolemnly averted for Truth. I perceived they were not a little diſguſted at my Want of Faith, but to make a Convert of me, they obliged me to liſten to another, as odd an Adventure