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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/135

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the Iſle of MAN.

about it for that Purpoſe. One Day, ſays Tradition, a great number of People being gathered about it, contriving new Methods for the taking it away, a very venerable old Man appeared among the Crowd, and ſeeing a Boy of about ſix or ſeven years of Age, he bad him put his Hand to the Stone, which the Child doing, it immediately turned under his Touch, and under it was found a Sheet of Paper, on which were written theſe Words, Fear God, obey the Priesthood, and do by your Neighbour as you would have bim do to you. Every body preſent was in the utmoſt ſurprize, eſpecially, when looking for the Old Man, in order to aſk him ſome Queſtions concerning the miraculous Removal of the Stone, he was not to be found, tho' it was not a Minute that they had taken their Eyes off him, and there was neither Houſe nor Hut in a great diſtance, where he could poſſibly have conceal'd himſelf. The Paper was, however, carefully preſerved, and carried to the Vicar, who wrote Copies of it, and diſperſed them over the Iſland. They tell you, that they are of ſuch wonderful Virtue to whoever wears them, that on whatever Buſineſs they go, they are
