certain of Succeſs. They alſo defend from Witchcraft, evil Tongues and all Efforts of the Devil or his Agents, and that a Woman wearing one of them in her Boſom, while ſhe is pregnant, ſhall by no Accident whatever, loſe the Fruit of her Womb. I have frequently rode by the Stone, under which, they ſay the original Paper was found, but it would now be looked on as the worſt Sacrilege to make any Attempt to move it from the Place.
Not far from this, is the Fairies Saddle, a Stone termed ſo, as I ſuppoſe, from the Similitude it has of a Saddle. It ſeems to lie looſe on the Edge of a ſmall Rock, and the wiſe Natives of Man tell you, is every Night made uſe on by the Fairies, but what kind of Horſes they are, on whoſe Backs this is put, I could never find any of them who pretended to reſolve me.
In a Creek, between two high Rocks, which overlook the Sea on this ſide of the Iſland, they tell you alſo, that Mermen and Mermaids have been frequently ſeen. Many ſurprizing Stories of theſe