amphibious Creatures have I been told here, as well as at Port Iron; but the ſtrangeſt of all, is this.
A very beautiful Mermaid, ſay they, became ſo much enamour'd of a Young Man who uſed to tend his Sheep on theſe Rocks, that she would frequently come and ſit down by him, bring him Pieces of Coral, fine Pearls, and what were yet greater Curioſities, and of infinitely more Value, had they fallen into the hands of a Perſon who knew their worth, Shells of various Forms and Figures, and ſo glorious in their Colour, and Shine, that they even dazzled the Eye that looked upon them. Her Preſents were accompanied with Smiles, Pattings of the Cheek, and all the Marks of a moſt ſincere and tender Paſſion; but one day throwing her Arms more than ordinarily eager about him, he began to be frighted, that she had a Deſign to draw him into the Sea, and ſtruggled till he diſengaged himſelf, and then ran a good many Paces from her; which Behaviour ſhe reſented ſo highly, it ſeems, that she took up a Stone, and after throwing it at him, glided into her more proper Element, and was never ſeen on Land