unlike what is deſcribed of Roſamond's Labyrinth at Woodſtock; in caſe of an Attack, Ten Thouſand Men might be deſtroyed by a very few, in attempting to enter. The Extremity of it brings you to a Room where the Keys fit; they are Twenty-four in Number, they call them the Parliament; but in my Opinion, they more reſemble our Juries in England; becauſe the Buſineſs of their Meeting is to adjuſt Differences between the Common People, and are locked in till they have. given their Verdict. They may be ſaid in this Senſe indeed, to be ſupreme Judges, becauſe from them there is no Appeal but to the Lord himſelf.
A little farther, is an Apartment which has never been opened in the Memory of Man; the Perſons belonging to the Caſtle, are very cautious in giving any Reaſon for it, but the Natives, who are exceſſively ſuperſtitious, aſſign this; That there is ſomething of Inchantment in it. They tell you, that the Caſtle was at firſt inhabited by Fairies, and afterwards by Giants, who continued in the Poſſeſſion of it till the Days of Merlin, who by the Force of Magic diſlodg'd the