greateſt Part of them, and bound the reſt in Spells, which they believe will be indiſſoluble to the End of the World: For Proof of this, they tell you a very odd Story: They ſay there are a great Number of fine Apartments under-ground, exceeding in Magnificence any of the upper Rooms; ſeveral Men of more than ordinary Courage, have in former Times ventured down to explore the Secrets of this ſubterraneous Dwelling-Place, but none of them ever returned to give an Account of what they ſaw; it was therefore judged convenient that all the Paſſes. to it, ſhould be kept continually ſhut, that no more might ſuffer by their Temerity. But about ſome Fifty or Fifty-five Years ſince, a Perſon who had an uncommon Boldneſs and Reſolution, never leſt ſolliciting Permiſſion of those who had the Power to grant it, to viſit thoſe dark Abodes: in fine, he obtain'd his Requeſt, went down, and returned by the Help of a Clue of Packthread, which he took with him, which no Man before himſelf had ever done; and brought this amazing Diſcovery, viz. That after having paſſed through a great Number of Vaults, he came into a long narrow Place,