reply'd, that theſe Things were not to be revealed. He then took his Leave, and by the ſame dark Paſſage got into the Vaults, and ſoon after, once more aſcended to the Light of the Sun.
Ridiculous as this Narrative appears, whoever ſeems to diſbelieve it, is looked on as a Perſon of a weak Faith: but tho' this might be ſufficient to prove their Superſtition, I cannot forbear making mention of another Tradition, they have and of a much longer ſtanding. I have already taken Notice that their moſt ancient Records were taken away in a Norwegian Conqueſt, which renders it impoſſible to be certain how long the Iſland has been ſound out, or by whom: to make up this Deficiency, they tell you this Hiſtory of it.
Some Hundred Years, ſay they, before the Coming of our Saviour, the Iſle of Man was inhabited by a certain Species called Fairies, and that every Thing was carried on in a Kind of ſupernatural Manner; that a blue Miſt hanging continually over the Land, prevented the Ships that paſſed by, from having any Suſpicion